"faith & courage"

This week I was listening to "Faith & Courage" an older album by Snead O'Connor - it is truly a Favorite - one of those rare records where all of the songs are wonderful & inspirational. So, this Blog is not only about acknowledging a Killer record but also pondering these 2 powerful words ... & how they have both made their presence and given me some beautiful presents in my current reality...

As for this record,
I admire Snead O'Connors candor, the production is unique without being abstract & the lyrics are a voice that speaks fearlessly as she embraces both her individuality & her beliefs. Also,there's a lot of references to the Goddess, feminine strength, recognizing the unity of being hu-man (radiant being) & gratefulness. These are some of my favorite topics! (albeit I also like to wax pendantic, if given the opportunity, about music theory & kundalini yoga)

Back to the title,
"Faith & Courage" - is a very powerful reminder for everyone

Courage - to be who we really are - follow our dreams -engage our ability to face & conquer whatever we fear most.

Faith - Acknowledging our gifts- Believing in our Strength- Trusting that the universe will follow our intentions when we choose to make our dreams reality, whatever your dream might be. It's kinda cool to think specifically about what that dream is? (have you ever asked?)

Mine? Last Winter one of my New Years Resolutions was that I would go to Nashville, TN for this summer

Why? To be in a city that offers a lot of opportunities & visibility for my music. it's the Hot-Seat of music publishing & songwriting (did someone say publishing deal?)

Faith? I didn't know how I would get there - sublet my house, re-arrange my employment, find a place to live, etc et al... But I kept saying I don't know how, but this will Happen AND it IS! (insert a mountain of being grateful :)
A wonderful friend is subletting my home, my employers are happy for me AND
an old friend who lives in Nashville called me with an opportunity to house-sit for a friend of hers for the month of July!! (I Love you Amy!)

Courage? Exhale... Next week, I am hittin' the road solo - leaving my beautiful friends (miss you already...) & cozy home in a town I love at the best time of year!
But actually, it's kind of exciting...

Now? I just need to start packing :)

May your day be filled with dreams, faith & courage,
Love & Light,


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