Don't Change Your Channel, Keep it Open!

When we are artists, following out heart and expressing our creativity - we may sometimes find that people disagree with us. Or people might often be quick to stand up and say you're wrong! Or openly appear to reject our work. (although I am saying, "artists" I think this message applies to everyone in their chosen endeavors)

The damage is that very often fear of this potential reality can lead to us shutting down. Fear of criticism over what we might create can sometimes prevent us from creating at all!!! Yikes!

How do we strengthen ourselves to protect against shutting down?
First thing is that we must accept that not everybody is going to agree with us and not everybody is going to like our work all of the time. Period.

There are lots of 'famous' artists that have Both a huge following as well as a large number of people who don't connect with their message. No problem. Focus on the people that support you. Not the ones who don't.

I am a huge Tori Amos fan. She has a fanatical following but there are also many people who can't bear to hear her music. Does that prevent her from creating? NO! How many songwriters have you heard tell the story that their BIG SONG was rejected and scoffed at for years before it became a HIT!

People thought Edison was nuts! He conducted thousands of experiments before he was able to create electricity. And people thought the whole gramophone/ recording thing was insane -ha! ha! You get the point. (see that picture, one of the first record devices ever invented, who would have thought from that came radio, tapes, cd's. Mp3's?!?!  It all begins with an idea!)

Also, there are many stories of artists whose work was openly and violently criticized and then suddenly considered to be brilliant. As they say, at least bad press is still press!!  If your work makes people talk? Well then you've done your job it's not your responsibility who likes it.  Most importantly, Create what is in your heart.

If you are true to your message, and have honed your craft - you are doing the work. So, just keep on it!

How do we remain open so that we can connect with & express what is in our hearts?
As I've developed these VOGA classes, part of the focus has shifted from 'singing' towards using the philosophies of Yoga to help people connect with their True Voice and to give them tools that enable them to express themselves with more confidence.

We have been focusing on breath work, creative visualization, & basic physical postures. This stimulates creativity by enabling students to open their channels so that they can connect with their voice & discover a clear picture of what they want to say.  Creative expression is subtle and powerful. Being clear and connected is the key!
I teach VOGA classes every Monday from 6:30 –8:00pm at Kundalini Rising Yoga!

We bring in confidence by building strong foundation from which to build our vision.
Also keeping your body physical is an important part of keeping your mind healthy and free! (More info below about classes)

I'm going to close out today, by sharing one of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite people, the modern dance pioneer, Martha Graham. She is the equivalent in the dance world to what Picasso was to the visual arts world.

Imagine if either of them had failed to follow their vision of shifting from the 'normal' standard towards bringing in new ideas and modern concepts?

'There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is nor how valuable nor how it compares with other expressions. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open. You do not even have to believe in yourself or your work. You have to keep yourself open and aware to the urges that motivate you. Keep the channel open.'
Don't Change your Channel! Keep it open!


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