What I Learned from The Wizard of Oz!

You have it all inside of you…. Brains, Courage and Heart,
Just follow your Yellow Brick Road
Stick to the path and You'll get there!

In reality, there's very little we actually lack, just sometimes we simply lose sight of it…

Interestingly enough….
Dorothy is actually the perfect example of someone who walks through life with all three of these pieces intact.  And often she doesn't think she's got it!
Heart – her love for her family, Toto, and the friends she makes along the way
Brains – She clearly finds her way on the journey and outsmarts evil…
(you Go Girl!)
Courage - She travels bravely and even fights a witch - nuff said!
(Talk about one with a goal who 'keeps on keepin' on')

Part of our interest in the trip down the Yellow Brick Road is that we all see bits of ourselves in each of the characters. We can relate to them

Who is Your Favorite Character?

As for ME? ((probably Glinda is my favorite… But for those on the journey?)

The Tin Man - Well my biggest problems with my heart has sometimes been because it's too big, not because I thought it was missing

The Scarecrow - Doubting my Brains isn't usually a problem although I must say that I have had moments when I have misplaced my better judgment…!

Mostly, I have always identified with the journey of the so-called Cowardly Lion
And Dorothy - looking for my way and trying to avert evil.

Most people would say I look pretty brave. Someone actually said that to me last night-lol!
But from the inside out, sometimes it's been a different story.

Especially when I first started making music. I was terrified to perform in front of people. And that is truly how I developed this method of building confidence and learning how to perform better on stage. This Real experience is at the Heart of my Performance Success Program.
I guess that is maybe a tiny of Courage! Taking the classes and the steps to get past it

And... here's another secret...
The first play I was in was "The Wizard of Oz."  I was cast as the witch. I am grateful that was before camera phones…. There is no evidence…. Lol!
However, they cut my song, because the director said I couldn't sing… (in that play version the witch had a song….)
So - more than you know
I get the journey of being told, "You are not good enough or you can't do this" ;)
And I think that's part of the reason why I do what I do and why I enjoy helping people shine.

Yes, it takes Bravery to get there, but I think it's harder to struggle inside with a dream that's not coming true, ONLY because you aren't taking the steps to make it happen

If you are taking the steps? Well, as they say in Oz, "that's a horse of a different color!"

Like Dorothy, we're all a lot braver than we often feel
She probably didn't feel it so cool in the witches tower but she persevered and I think did a darn good job in the end. Beat the Witch & Found her way home….

It seems we all have that Courage inside it's just sometimes we don't know where to look. It does help to have a Wizard, aka – friend, teacher, mentor – remind us every now and again.  Build your team!
E-mail Here anytime if YOU need a friendly reminder

You know what they say… '…. And the Dreams that you Dare to Dream, Really do come true…"

So embrace what you have inside not what you imagine you might be missing
And that's What I learned from "The Wizard of Oz"

Love, Light, Rainbows & Courage to you on your Yellow Brick Road to Success


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