Four Pillars for Success...

Every time I read an article about a successful artist or writer, there is one common theme. Keeping up and Not giving up! However, within this ever changing landscape of the music industry, it's hard sometimes, to even know

Where to Start?
Here are 4 clear places to asses as you begin to create your path towards creative success!

1. Your Path -
+Having Clarity about your direction
What is your 5 year Goal? 3 year Goal? 1 Year Goal?+Making a plan to get there
Baby steps! I like to think of it as little brush strokes that come together and create the final painting. Break things down into tasks and plug them into your calendar each week.
2. Your Image -
Often misunderstood, this is NOT a fashion contest, this IS about having a brand that presents the picture of who you are as well as what you are trying to express with your music.
Also known as your 'brand' you want a consistent reflection of this image in your physical presentation as well as your website, social media, pictures, etc
Need help figuring out your image? This post can help get you on your way!
(One of my favorite experts in this arena is John Leto)
3. Your Voice - 
+Be Yourself, Boldly, Without Excuses
This step takes some courage and it's an ongoing journey. Realistically assess your strengths, & Connect with the message that You want to express as an artist.
Recognize that this 'voice' changes over time.
+ Your songs or the songs you choose to sing can also be included here. They are the vehicle that expresses your vision.
And it is fundamental that your songs are clear & well crafted so that your listeners can take the ride with you!!!
Recently I was in a pitch session with an artist and she said, "I'll take that song, I am so excited, it has the all of the messages that I want to say with my music!"
+Your physical instrument
We often forget that singers are like athletes. We need to train!
It is imperative to understand your instrument & your unique sound. Have a solid a vocal routine to build & protect it. Nuff' said!!!
4. Your Performance & Fan Building
Performance is integral to fan building. Talking about social media & other marketing strategies to creating a fan base is a whole 'nother article or book.....
(check out these experts Outside the Box & Ariel Hiatt)

But performance is the key place to begin. Live shows are a golden opportunity to create new fans & network. It's your time in the spotlight to express your message! AND this is a place for artists to make money thru merch/cd sales. Not a bad job! But it's your pre-show homework that matters - putting in the time to create a show that rocks!
*Remember to have a mailing list for people to sign and connect those peeps who are mesmerized by your terrific performance!!!

This article is a brief outline of the deeper work that I love doing with Artists & Songwriters to help them get ahead!! I hope it helps you on your journey. Feel free to drop a line back with any questions.


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