3 Little Things I Learned On My Birthday

Dear Friends
These past few weeks have been an incredible whirlwind of travel, birthday celebration and award festivities.  Needless to say, it has been busy and I have missed connecting with You.

Blessed to have been able to take a beautiful
Bday trip to NM. It was so amazing to reconnect with the mountains, hot springs and my incredible peeps in Taos. That’s a gorgeous pic of Taos Mountain.

And Below... that's me blowing out my birthday candle atop Cinnamon Bun breading pudding with homemade salted caramel pecan ice cream!!!


Have been settling back in and catching up!  Last Saturday was the Annual Tennessee Songwriters Association Awards Banquet.  Although I didn’t win, felt super blessed to be nominated for Most Promising Female Songwriter!!!  The official award went to Alayna,one of my dear friends who is a super talented artist.

Also, I had an amazing showcase at        
the historic Fiddle & Steel Bar last Friday !!

In the midst of the busyness some cool things have come to the surface & I wanted to share the clarity and grace with you :) Today's article is entitled, “3 Little Things I Learned On my Birthday”.

3 Little Things I Learned On My Birthday

Sometimes, one of the biggest challenges in life is keeping our balance as the world spins around us.   The older I get, the faster it seems to go!  That being said, I've realized how important it is for me to stay grounded and follow the path that brings me the most joy!  So here's some things I've recently discovered to help me along......

1.  Surround Yourself with Positive Peeps & Embrace Them!
It’s important to remember that life is energy.  And we are all subject to the effects of the energy around us.  Make it positive!  Drains and Vampires bring us down.  Focus on those who elevate your spirit.  And in return always do your best to elevate others!  Honor your relationships.  And surround yourself with those who consistently support you and have sincere consideration for you.

2.  Have An Attitude of Gratitude
Being grateful for things activates the law of attraction in a positive way.
When we focus on what have, as opposed to what we perceive we lack,  it enables us to bring in & attract more of The GOOD stuff.   Even the little things like a warm bed at night and having the prosperity to be reading this letter on a smart phone, computer or tablet are blessings.  When things feel bleak, being thankful for the small things can really shift perspective!
3. Learn to Let Go
You can’t move forward if you are still holding on.   Carrying  the  “baggage” of past  problems, dramas, & regrets can become super heavy on our spirit.  It literally weighs us down.  So allow yourself to drop the suitcase!  Releasing the past enables to live fully in this moment & carve a brighter future.  Letting go is a key to moving forward and creating the life we Want to live.
"Yesterday's the past, tomorrow's the future,
But today is a gift. That's why it's called the present."

So glad to be catching up with you and having YOU as part of my present moment.  You are truly a gift to me :)
By the way,  I LOVE it when you drop a line back and let me know the news in your world!  So don’t forget to stay in touch when you have a moment
Til’ Next Time
Love, Light and Big Hugs to you!


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