Surviving Sugar Highs & The Holi-DaZe

As the Christmas Song goes…  these weeks between Christmas and Thanksgiving are to some, “The Most Wonderful Time of the year!” However, for some, they are also the most hectic time of the year. Life goes into high gear pre-Christmas & for many of us it can be super overwhelming. Here’s some common causes and quick solutions to help you navigate the chaos and keep you from getting HolidaZed…

1.  You Prefer the Grinch to Santa
Aka Tinsel ain’t your thing and you dread holiday cheer. 

This can be a big one for people and these feelings can make it difficult to be around all the holly jolly energy that pervades.
Realize you’re not a terrible person and how you feel is never wrong.  Remember to respect your emotions and who you are!  At the same time, it’s important to respect other peoples as well. You don’t have to put up a Christmas Tree, but there’s no reason to cut the electricity to your neighbors lights. Maybe find one or two things you do like and enjoy them.  Or give yourself permission to take a time out. More on that HERE  "911's for Holiday blahs"

2. You need an army of elves to handle all that needs to be done.
Yes, this season sometimes brings people way too much to do! 
  • Give yourself a moment to stop, exhale and re-assess that to do list.  
  • What are the things that MUST happen. 
  • Focus on those. 
  • Simplify your tasks. 
Intention is more important than the perfect seams on a gift that’s gonna be ripped open anyway.  Also, Look at the things, that you WANT to do & places you WANT to be.  It’s the season to be jolly!  So give yourself enough breathing room to enjoy it.

3.  You feel like like a reindeer stranded at the North Pole.
AKA – you’re alone or feeling isolated. 

This is a rough one, and a real reality for many people.  So realize there’s nothing wrong with YOU and you’re not the only one!  There are a lot of people whose circumstances leave them feeling a little disconnected this time of year.
What are some solutions? 
  • Enjoy the You time and get some R&R – have a little stay-cation and get things in gear for the new year.  
  • There are so many parties and events.  Find a club, church or a group you might be interested in connecting with.  It’s the perfect time of year to show up and introduce yourself. 
  • There are so many charities, shelters that need an extra hand this time of year.  Often, the best way to feel better is often to help people in need. It’s brave to push yourself into new territory, but you never know what blessings you might find there.
4. All you got to give is Coal
aka You’re too broke to buy presents

It’s not the gifts, it the thought and for many of us, the presence of someone we love trumps an expensive gift.  Here are some thoughts to give a gift of yourself…   
  • If you’re an artist – share your art!!  Music, small painting, poem, pictures, etc. 
  • Put together a photo collage for people of you and them or things they love
  • Bake cookies or peppermint bark (killer recipe HERE and you can make a ton of it EASY for less than $20)  
  • Gift of You: If you’re good with flowers, carpentry, electronics, computers, etc... how can you share that? 
  • What can you home-make?  I used to make bath products, body scrubs, etc for people.  Oftentimes you can do this with ingredients that are in your kitchen ;)
  • Thrift Stores, Dollar Store, 5 and below
If you have kids, check out these resources for gifts:
Toys for Tots
The Last Minute ToyStore (Nashville)
The Salvation Army

Hope that helps!!!  AND btw, I do love the togetherness of the holidays, festivities, baking, carols and twinkling lights.  The important thing for me is to keep a balance between festivities and down so that I can remember to have fun!

Love Love Love


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