A Super Special Gift For You!!

Dear Friends,
Hello! And Happy March to you!  Wow it feels like February flew by…..

They say that Valentines Day is the day of showing love and that February is the month of Love. But I am a strong believer that we shouldn’t need a Hallmark holiday to tell people how much we care! Today's message is all about sharing the love with you, my Blisful Ones. And although words are precious, gifts are more fun :) So… I’ve got a super treat in store for you...

My entire last CD!
All 10 songs from “Let It Rain”

Go To MeredithBlis.com to DOWNLOAD IT NOW!
Today's article features some of the stories behind the songs and the making of the record! 

I hope this music brings some sunshine to your day. In the Meantime?


The Stories Behind the Songs - Let It Rain

I recorded this CD with the amazing Larry Mitchell in Santa Fe, NM.  More about him here…. LarryMitchell.com.  A lot of the songs talk our journey in life.  The world can sometimes throw us curveballs, but somehow we make it through. How? Part of the key is Claiming our strength.  Keeping the faith and Choosing Love over Hate.

So, the first funny thing is the cover… 
(Shout Out to Karen Kuhn for her gorgeous pix!) We purposefully chose a day when it was supposed to be raining. But, the weather had other plans and the sun appeared.
And if you've seen the promo shots with the piano outside? Yes, we actually moved a piano outdoors!! Thanks to my dear friend, Arius La Reyna.

And the rainbow on the cover became a strong symbol to me. A reminder of Hope that we do survive the storms in life and perhaps? Even end up in brighter place.

The title track was written during the NM monsoon season. My little keyboard faced the window and it was pouring!  I was feeling pretty blue, not because of the weather, but because of some recent heartache.  As I watched those rain drops rage I thought to myself, “I’ve weathered worse storms than this botched romance – I can handle this – OK, God – Let It Rain -  Bring it on – I will get through this.”

So, a lot of the record is about connecting with our strength in those darker moments, ...continuing to hold on even as the ground beneath our feet shakes.

Fade to Dust is a track that was nominated for a lot of awards. I am grateful to my songwriter group in Taos for helping me to develop that song. The initial tone had a lot of anger at the world for the stereotypes that result in human suffering, war and patriarchal attitudes that result in misogyny. That’s still the in the verses but they helped me tone down the vibe~  I can get pretty passionate when I’m writing!!  The overall point is that Anger and Fear are not the way to find reconciliation. We are all one. (So can we please stop hurting each other!!) Understanding & tolerance will help us find the way to peace & love, both within ourselves and for each other. Creating positive action & energy - Instead of perpetuating hate.

Ah…. Sing a Love Song is about leaving a relationship. Even when we know it’s in our best interest, that decision and that step can be really hard!!! So why is it a ‘Love Song?’  The realization was that the most powerful relationship we have is with ourselves. The ‘love song’ is about learning to honor & nurture that.

Subterranean Lovesick Daughter is a fave when I play in NM :) Thanks peeps!!! It’s the fight we sometimes have internally when we are in a dark place. Allowing ourselves to see the magic and beauty that exists around us and in our world. We all have bad days.  My mom used to remind me that we can choose to focus on our problems or our blessings. Hence that lyric in the chorus.
This title was also my amusing little play on Bob Dylans Subterranean Homesick Blues ;)

Dearest Little Star wasn’t written for one particular person, but for a few of my friends. A little homage, reminding them of their beauty and how much they are loved.

Well that’s some of it! And if you have questions about a particular song? Drop a line back. I would love hear from you! You can also post it on my Facebook Page - HERE

Oh! And part of the proceeds go to the Charity, RAINN (rape, abuse, incest national network) And I didn’t plan the coincidence!  I remember distinctly working on the graphics (with the amazing Barbara from Digerati Design in Taos) and the synchronicity hit me ;)

If your day gets dark? Grab an umbrella and LET IT RAIN!
Go To MeredithBlis.com to DOWNLOAD IT NOW!
Love, Light and Galoshes,


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