When The Going Gets Tough...

So we all know the old saying, "When Life Give you Lemons, Make Lemonade,"... While in NM, I like to say you can also make margaritas lol!  But unfortunately, that won’t always solve the immediate issue ;)

When the Going Gets Tough…. the general advice is ..... The tough get going!  Here’s some additional thoughts (based on recent experience) to hopefully make your going a bit easier!

Don’t Give Up! 

So... my second night camping at the Yoga Solstice festival my tent collapsed. We rigged it back up and then the winds took it down again the following eve with me in it!.  Kinda funny in retrospect, but not so amusing in the desert at midnight.
My first thought? Pack in in, Give up and head back to Taos!!! As my frightened & exhausted brain reeled. I considered other plausible options, but I didn’t know the location of my friends' tents, car too small (could have worked in a pinch) or hmmmm… there were multiple classroom/event tents set up!  Nothing going on there at night so I headed to one of them….  Funny enough, there was someone else camped out there too.  As little fun as it was to travel in the dead of night with sleeping accouterments in tow - I felt better for not giving up.

Work with what you got!
Sometimes when we’re stuck, giving up isn’t even an option & we need to find crafty solutions….
After about an hour on the road my AC stopped working! I stopped at multiple car places in Jackson & Memphis – and they weren’t able to help. I couldn’t delay because I had to be at the Yoga event on Monday. The air was cool under 60mph, it worked at night (still can’t figure this one out!)  and every gas station has ice…. So I did the best with what I had! Went at a slower pace, traveled as far as I could while it was cool and picked up a cup of ice every time I stopped for gas. It’s amazing what we can manage to tolerate when the heat (no pun intended) is on!

One Happy Thought!
I must say that in both situations my mind immediately detoured into negativity land & there may have been some expletives ;) That immediately makes a bad situation go downhill….. It’s so important to remember that our mindset guides our experience. You are what you Think. When we stop focusing on the negative of something and try to switch our minds to positive space – even a little bit – our experience greatly improves. The tiniest bit of gratitude or even one happy thought can help make things brighter.

The lesson here to me was a lot about patience, learning to step up to the unexpected and trying to foster a positive perspective when the going got tough. Beyond the minor things, it was awesome to take a few days off AND I’m Excited to be back in Nashville -  Making Music – Working on my new Website and Performing.

Hope to see you Soon!
Til Then,
Sending Love Light and Blis….


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