Life's Little Survival List

Life is What Happens when we Make Other Plans.

What do we do when we’re in a rut or trying to function in the midst of change?
Well, that’s what todays little list touches upon.

What are some ways we can still keep our chin up, show up for our responsibilities, honor our highest self and still feel joy?
Well, that’s what todays little list talks about

How can we know who to trust or how to proceed in personal & business relationships?
Well, that’s what todays little list helps with.

Got anything to add?  Bring it ON!  I always love hearing from you

Part of my goal is to Keep It Simple Sweetie.  Life’s crazy enough!
So here you go.....

Life’s Little Survival List
  1. It’s important to make a plan but allow yourself to stay flexible when the tide moves.
  2. We have to learn to accept people for who they are and not who we want them to be
  3. Sometimes it’s a blessing when things fall thru – it can open to door to a better opportunity that we hadn’t even anticipated
  4. Patience, Patience, Patience (for both yourself and others)
  5. Above all, trust your intuition.  The answer is always inside of you.  Hint: listen to & recognize the subtle signals that your body gives you
  6. If someone hands you inconsiderate or ungraceful behavior, it’s ok not to take it from them.  Don’t let people treat you in a way that you would never treat another person.
  7. Observe if someone shows genuine respect and kindness for others – it’s a good way to measure their true character.
  8. Your word can be your darkest shadow or your brightest light, depending on how you reflect it.
  9. In those moments when you feel like you are crawling, keep going - every inch keeps moving you forward
  10. If you can’t find the truth - you are probably looking at a lie.
  11. Do something kind today for your soul
  12. Do something kind today for someone else.
  13. Forgive and Move On, you have better things & more important things to do than to hang on to anger or guilt
  14. Taking Chances is Awesome!

May You be Blessed with Joy Abundance &  Love


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