Being Beautiful YOU

As I was researching my Kindness Superhero article, I came across some amazing and inspiring quotes that related to this whole idea.   This one in particular really touched me.  It was one of those moments that actually created a shift in me by offering an empowering perspective on the whole idea of  learning to be a better ME.  And hope it helps your journey of Learning to be a better YOU

It made me see that,
Oftentimes we live our lives in reaction to other peoples actions.  When we function this way, it takes us out of our true self, distracts us from our goals and also drains our energy.   This idea is a core piece of the whole Be Your Own Kind Of Beautiful concept.

How can we maintain when there are so many things that we cannot control?
 I think one of the most powerful things we can do in life is take other peoples agendas out of our equation. In reality, there is no way to control someone else’s behavior, reaction, or negativity.   Save your energy and stop trying…..

Focus instead on the things you can manage
The things you can control are…..   Your reaction.  Your spirit.  Your truth.
My mom used to say that we cannot please all the people all of the time.  I think one of the keys to happiness is to simply stop trying to please everyone around us! It’s not possible to manage everyone else’s expectations.  No matter what happens there may always be someone who gripes.  So let it go!

Keep your spirit, your dreams, your goals and your happiness between you and you.
*Mother Teresa says God – and once again this is a place where YOU get to choose – If that part of the quote works for your beliefs, great.  If Not?  Fill it in with something that resonates with YOUR spirit.
Many Times the focus on what ‘they’ think is just a very good excuse and distraction that takes us away from our highest self.    You dull your shine when you spend your life constantly worried about what other people need.  You create light by empowering your soul.

Why do I say all this? Well….
Unfortunately, I know all too well, the journey of living to meet the expectations of others.  I’m learning to shift that ‘habit’ towards meeting my expectations instead!

Oftentimes we have a someone in our life or a voice in our head that keeps repeating a negative script about who we are or who we can’t or can’t be.  One thing that helped me was to start to recognize that voice.  Turn down the volume and Stop giving it all the power.  Set a clear vision of who you want to be. Crank up that volume and Proceed with baby steps.  Believe YOU are possible.
And hang this quote up as a positive reminder!

How does this relate to Kindness? 
Honoring who you are is the kindest thing we can do for ourselves.
Allowing others to be who they are is one of the kindest things we do for them.

That’s all for today folks.  Got some rehearsing to do for Saturday's Gig.  It looks like I will debuting my first song on Ukulele!!!  Stay tuned ;)

Meantime,  Give yourself the Permission to be YOU.
Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful
You Are Beautiful



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