Wishing a Happy Vday to Self-Love!

Last week I was out with a dear girlfriend. I was talking about something and she said, “Girl you need to turn off that ass-kicking machine!!” Cracked me up! and then...

Wow! I hadn’t even realized it, in that conversation, I was definitely being way too hard on myself. That’s the beauty of being surrounded by people who love and understand you, they often have an uncanny ability to see our emotions and habits in a way that we can’t from the inside out.

The reality of life is that we all have ‘those days.' We have have ‘moments.’ We all struggle with fiery emotions.

And too often we tend to cut ourselves down instead of cutting ourselves some slack.

Imagine if we offered ourselves some Love instead….

The key for me is that living in our light doesn’t mean we live without fear or disappointment.

We are humans. Disappointments happen.

It’s ok to fall down. It's ok to crash and burn. It’s ok to be scared.

Sometimes it’s hard in the dark moments to give ourselves permission to feel what we’re feeling. For me, recognizing fear and allowing it to be there is process that is slowly helping me to make empowering shifts.

When I stand like a warrior and spend my energy fighting fear, I exhaust myself and feel bleak.

When I can slow down and recognize the fear, it enables me to see that even though my emotions are perceiving ‘danger,’ in actuality I am going to be fine. It opens me up to allow a little more love both towards myself and towards others.

If we can recognize that the perceived fear isn’t really a threat, it’s easier to get back up again. The feeling of the fear is real. So we can honor that but we don’t have to constantly keep on fighting.

It’s easier to stand tall when we stop focusing on the shadows behind us. It’s easier to see the glimmer of light when we aren't draining ourselves with worry. And it's easier to navigate life when we can learn to trust, even just a little, in our own self-love. We can learn to step into uncharted water knowing that when fear strikes us again - it’s all going to be OK.

Wishing you everything in Love, Light and Grace that shines both within and around You!

Happy Valentines Day to YOU!


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