What Makes You-Nique?

Last week, I talked (a lot!!) about the Throat Chakra and how that is our center of expressing the Truth of our emotions. We discussed that vocal sound is made in the Larynx. The Larynx houses our vocal chords and it corresponds to our throat chakra.
But what about our Creative Voice? Where does that sound begin?
The simple answer is within YOU!
And its special magic is Your Unique Voice.
We all have the ability to funnel our emotions & experiences through creativity into a language that everyone can understand - Art!
The key is that when we really reach others, it comes from a genuine place inside of us.
Our creativity is born from Truth of our experiences. Very simply, this is What we channel through our ART.
The expression begins with an understanding about the truth of Who We Are and Art is the language that enables us to express this truth. We can do this through paints, pens, pots & pans, pianos.... you name it! How Fun is that?!

"Tapping into the Universal Emotion"

We often connect with a particular song, movie, painting, etc... because the emotion it expresses touches a place of truth within us.
Even though our journeys are You-nique, our experiences are similar. And people connect with art that resonates with their experiences.
So, perhaps there is a reason why so many songs on the radio talk about the emotions of Love ?
We've all experienced the many facets of this emotion. And we're all still trying to figure it out! We all want to feel the beauty of being embraced by love. We all want the answers when our heart is hurting from love. We often want to express our Love to other people. These questions and feelings about Love are an example of a Universal Emotion.
Don't be afraid of the emotions you want to write about - Give yourself permission be fearless! The hardest stories to tell are often the ones that have the most emotional impact. More importantly, those are often the ones that have the power to give strength and healing to others.

"Write what you know" (or paint, act, cook, garden, etc....)
This is a huge part of creating honesty in our creative work. Genuine expression is the most important component of being able to touch others with our work. The truth of our story comes from the real experience that stirred us to write about that emotion! Very simply, when we 'pretend' in our actions and words it leaves people feeling empty.
For example, the key to good acting is to "make it believable." When actors perform, a common technique for conveying truth is to tap into a past experience that stirs up the emotion that they are trying to 'act.' If you have ever seen a 'badly' performed play or movie, often a big piece of what's missing is that you did not believe what the Actors were feeling. Perhaps the same could be said about a song or a painting? We express truth by delivering from a place of honesty or at least through a real understanding. And yes, as artists, we often embellish fact with fiction, but in the words of Mark Twain, "Fiction is obliged to stick to stick to the possibilities, Truth isn't." Give your creativity freedom by rooting it in reality!

"Your Magic"
So, we understand that Art taps into the common vein of emotion. And it is the Honesty of our expression that touches others. Your Art expresses the emotions of Your experience. But, it's the YOUniqueness of your journey that creates YOUR-nique perspective.
((I am having so much fun using my new word!! - See, It's Ok for your work to be a bit 'different', that's the magic that allows it to speak your truth.
(making up new words like Voga and YOUR-nique are expressive in a
MER-nique way.... Ok, I'm done now :))
For example, What is your viewpoint about falling in love? Tap into the smile on your partners face, or try to erase the image of your ex's face.... What's the situation? What's the emotion? What's the scene? What colors do you see?
Many of us share these experiences, but no one else sees the same exact picture that you do. Tell THAT story.

It's Your Perspective that makes your Art YOU-Nique!
And how you choose to express it? Thats the Magic of YOUR-Nique Creativity Thats a special gift YOU have to share with others.


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