Do Something Special for YOU!

A Reason to do Something Special for You

Last week I talked about how air stimulates the energy of the Heart Chakra.  Then this week, a funny coincidence happened….. (sometimes, I wonder are there really coincidences?)

I discovered that this years ‘theme’ for the Kundalini Yoga Solstice celebration was none other then  THE HEART Chakra.  So, I wanted to share this short article because it explains the essence of compassion as well as the special relationship between our breath and our hearts. 

Self-Love Is the Essence of Compassion
By Nodia Brent-Lux
“The Air Tattva (Tattva means element) is associated with the Heart Chakra, home of the heart and lungs. Virtually all of the body’s blood travels through the lungs every minute. So the quality of our breath has a direct impact on the quality of our overall health and well-being.
If we sit quietly and spend time breathing deeply, we will notice the lungs expanding and contracting with the breath. If we tune in more deeply, we will also notice that there are places within our bodies that feel shut off from the prana (life force) that is an integral part of the breath. Examination of these areas may reveal that emotional and physical wounds are stored therein – that the body has literally armored itself in response to trauma. We discover that we can make a conscious decision to reintegrate these fragmented aspects of ourselves through compassionate self-inquiry. In learning how to value and care for ourselves, we begin to authentically value and care for others.
Human beings have a symbiotic relationship with plants and trees: We breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide; they breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen. This is a reflection of the interdependency that we share with each other and all living things. Once we begin to see the world’s joy and despair as our own, the response that results from this connection is compassion.”

Our Heart, is our center of kindness and compassion—where “Me” becomes “We.”
It is also paramount to remember to have that kindness and compassion for yourself

I will repeat that
It is also paramount to remember to have that kindness and compassion for yourself

And that my friend,  brings us full circle to the reason for Today’s Subject Heading

It’s a simple reminder WHY it’s so important to

Do Something Special for YOU, today (and everyday….)


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