Expand & Experience Your Radiance!
Often we forget that one of the most important things we have in our lives is our ability to communicate. It's a powerful tool for keeping us on our path and for cultivating successful relationships both personally and in business.
Good things manifest when we are able to bring awareness to the conversations within ourselves and with others.
Below are some very conscious (lol!) ideas that I want to share, because I think they are beneficial for everyone on their journey towards happiness and success!
Deep Listening
(In yoga-speak we call this Sunni-ai)
What does it mean to listen?
We all hear the words, but too often there's so many thoughts & distractions inside of our own minds, that we are unable to really understand and comprehend on a deeper level.
When our minds are racing, it's like trying to hear a violin solo over NYC traffic - it can seem impossible.
Here's the key.... In order to be able to hear, really hear, someone else, it's important to first find our inner calm. (in yoga-speak we call this Shuniya)
When we can slow down and listen to our breath, this brings awareness & focus because it turns down the volume on the chaos in our minds.
It's a conscious action to say, "I am going to be still and really listen to this other person." Try it you'll be amazed at how much you've been missing along the way. And it's so much easier it is to interact when you are taking the time to understand what the other person is actually trying to say!
Also, we reclaim our power and see our path more clearly when we are able to calm the noise and LISTEN to OUR OWN inner VOICE.
**That is the hugest key to finding and sticking to our happiest, and most successful path in life
The Power Of Your Word
Yes, we all grew up with the old rhyme... "Sticks and stones will break my bones but Names will never hurt me...."
Then as we become adults unfortunately we learn that a broken arm will heal however, the words that someone may have said long ago still linger, good or bad, in our hearts and minds.
When you realize this you can also Recognize that the words YOU say (this includes e-mail and text!!) also have the power to leave an imprint on the other person you are speaking to. Perhaps next time you have something not nice to say, realize that probably nothing is lost if you simply remain quiet and refrain. Also realize the beauty that words can have to uplift another person! How amazing - what it means to someone else when you take a moment to say, "Hey! I love your new song" or "I really value your friendship." Words have an amazing power to elevate someone's spirit and it feels good when we say positive things!
**Think about the power and the magic in your words next time you sit down to write a song or a letter.
Sometimes, the hardest thing to remember in our minds is our Radiance - our abilities, our uniqueness and our strength. It's easy to get caught up in the how & the what of we should-could-would be doing, thinking or acting. Our Radiance is our Presence.
When we forget to see our radiance then we forget to remember that our simple presence is simply enough.
Just being present and breathing in the moment is powerful. When we listen deeply and think before we react then we allow our presence to speak for itself.
**Think about that next time you get on stage or walk into a business meeting. Embracing your radiance gives you presence and power.
Well, I am glad to be back in Nashville and I truly look forward to being Radiant, Present and to 'Consciously Communicate' with you again, very soon!
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