The Inner Critic Unveiled
So, Yes, we all have moments of doubt.... It's human, it enables us to reassess, make decisions and continue moving forward. However, very often people can become crippled by the little ghosts from the past who take up residency in our minds. They like to tell us things like, "You can't do this... You're silly to dream so big... You're no good at this... etc" I like to remind myself, friends and students - Ghosts are usually transparent- You have the power to walk right through them towards the amazing light of your true potential. So here are some thoughts and tips for kicking that inner critic to the curb!
WHO is the Inner Critic?
The tiny voice that tells you, "You can't do this or you are doing this wrong, you'll never be any good at this...." These little thoughts can create a huge roadblock towards achieving your dreams.
WHY is it important to stop listening?
What we choose to believe as truth creates the foundation for our reality.
For example: If your big dream is to be a master chef and there's a tiny devil on your shoulder who says, "you'll never get into that top quality cooking school, you're actually not very good at cooking, who are you to believe that you can do this, etc ...."
YIKES! These mental thought patterns will literally create huge obstacles towards achieving your dreams. You Are Your Thoughts.
WHERE the heck did he come from?
In order to eradicate the negative mojo it can be really helpful to understand where it originated. Note- it's not our job to blame these ghosts - it is our job to stop seeing & believing them.
When we understand that often this voice originated from an outside source/influence that makes it easier to see that this message is Not True! Your reality is what you choose to believe.
HOW do I handle the critic?
First step is to listen and notice when it appears. Recognize the thought.
The critic says- "There is no way you are going to get this audition"
Second Step. Cancel the Thought. Consciously decide that this negative thought is untrue. You are way too busy working towards your dreams to even acknowledge this hogwash. Think of it like a Voice Mail message that you don't want to listen to
Third Step. Think back with a positive thought.
"I am going to ROCK this Audition"
If it's something you really want, create a solid affirmation to help you get there. And use it as your standard ammo when the critic shows up.
When in doubt?
Have a Team of peeps who genuinely love and support you - and have 'em on speed dial
+ These thought patterns are simply an old habit that we can quit!
+ You never invited this critic to the party, You have a right to kick him out!
+ Choosing to believe something is what gives it the power to make it True!
+ Often it's the moments when we are actually moving ahead and making the best progress are when that inner critic begins to rear his ugly head
+ You have the power to recognize the false thought and keep on walking right past it.
+ Affirm frequently, "I Can Do This!"
So choose to believe that you are amazing, successful, wondrous, and wonderful- you have the ability to create the life of your dreams, with no negative critics tailgating behind you You deserve Fireworks!
WHO is the Inner Critic?
The tiny voice that tells you, "You can't do this or you are doing this wrong, you'll never be any good at this...." These little thoughts can create a huge roadblock towards achieving your dreams.
WHY is it important to stop listening?
What we choose to believe as truth creates the foundation for our reality.
For example: If your big dream is to be a master chef and there's a tiny devil on your shoulder who says, "you'll never get into that top quality cooking school, you're actually not very good at cooking, who are you to believe that you can do this, etc ...."
YIKES! These mental thought patterns will literally create huge obstacles towards achieving your dreams. You Are Your Thoughts.
WHERE the heck did he come from?
In order to eradicate the negative mojo it can be really helpful to understand where it originated. Note- it's not our job to blame these ghosts - it is our job to stop seeing & believing them.
When we understand that often this voice originated from an outside source/influence that makes it easier to see that this message is Not True! Your reality is what you choose to believe.
- Sometimes it's an unsupportive voice from the past
- Sometimes it's a recent experience where someone was critical of you or your work
- Sometimes, it can be an intuitive voice - cautioning us to listen more deeply to our true self.
- Sometimes, it can just be a blue day, hormones, or a result of needing to take better care of ourselves. (My worst critic often appears when I'm fatigued & haven't been exercising/eating well)
- Sometimes it's the result of influences around us. The people we are spending time with or the media around us. Your subconscious is strongly influenced by your environment (this means music, movies, tv, books, etc.... be careful in these choices ) **I can't stress this enough, because these influences can creep in subtly and be insidious
HOW do I handle the critic?
First step is to listen and notice when it appears. Recognize the thought.
The critic says- "There is no way you are going to get this audition"
Second Step. Cancel the Thought. Consciously decide that this negative thought is untrue. You are way too busy working towards your dreams to even acknowledge this hogwash. Think of it like a Voice Mail message that you don't want to listen to
Third Step. Think back with a positive thought.
"I am going to ROCK this Audition"
If it's something you really want, create a solid affirmation to help you get there. And use it as your standard ammo when the critic shows up.
When in doubt?
Have a Team of peeps who genuinely love and support you - and have 'em on speed dial
+ These thought patterns are simply an old habit that we can quit!
+ You never invited this critic to the party, You have a right to kick him out!
+ Choosing to believe something is what gives it the power to make it True!
+ Often it's the moments when we are actually moving ahead and making the best progress are when that inner critic begins to rear his ugly head
+ You have the power to recognize the false thought and keep on walking right past it.
+ Affirm frequently, "I Can Do This!"
So choose to believe that you are amazing, successful, wondrous, and wonderful- you have the ability to create the life of your dreams, with no negative critics tailgating behind you You deserve Fireworks!
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