5 Crucial Things I Learned While Creating my New Website

Would Love to Hear Your Thoughts too from your experiences.
There are a lot of people out there who can probably help you to manifest your site (or whatever you are building) but it’s crucial to choose the right person for YOU! I strongly suggest talking to no less than 5 people. Get references. Look at their work. Don’t be afraid to Ask questions. Look for compatibility with the person - are they asking the right questions? Do they understand your vision and comfortably respond to your concerns or inquiries? Do they return your e-mails & phone calls promptly? Are they someone whom you would enjoy working with? I realize this is a business deal, but it’s going to be much more pleasant if you trust & connect with the person you are hiring.
I know, because I learned this one the hard way when I had to part ways with my first designer. Even though he’s a good guy, we were not a good match. Had I done my homework up front? I probably would have caught that before 5 months went by! That being said….. Don’t be afraid to part ways if the partnership is not meeting your expectations
My original launch date was actually May 2012, then July 2012, then it was September 2012 and now it’s October 24th ?? How did that happen? I took the time to do it RIGHT! Patience is such a key part of launching any new project. If you’ve ever recorded a CD, you understand that often the things we think will take 5 hours of studio time can easily end up taking 8 or 10….. Yes it’s frustrating BUT it’s part of the process. That being said, it is important to start with a planned launch date so that steady progress is made and the project doesn’t linger in cyberspace forever. At the same time, know how to be flexible if circumstances change.
In music land and in most businesses we use the term, “BRANDING”
Which means that your visual presentation creates a unique picture that represents Who You Are and What you Do. On a deeper level this is a key to make people choose your product over another of similar value/purpose.
What is your image?
Really sit down and ask yourself how you want people to see you as an artist.
The visual is the first thing people experience when they go to your site.
Be Clear, Consistent, Concise about what it says. Make sure it reflects the energy of your music. (more tips on this below)
I Cannot Stress the importance of this element.
Yes, you can pay someone to do it all and then just hit Publish or Print.
That’s a great way to go! BUT oftentimes it takes going the extra mile. Have the materials (music, text, pictures, ideas) ready and accessible for the designer. (I suggest sharing a Dropbox folder – it’s free and simple) Be available if they have a question. Do what you can to make their job easier by being organized, having a projected end date & giving clear instructions (via e-mail is best so that they can be referenced later). These simple things will benefit the project tremendously
This can sometimes be a tricky territory because it takes courage for some of us to speak up and say, “that’s not right.” I get it, I sometimes feel like shy Piglet from the Winnie-the-Pooh stories..... because I never want to hurt anyone’s feelings…. But staying silent can be detrimental to your bigger picture. Of Course, there’s never a reason to be mean or critical. But taking a moment to identify what’s not working and then either offer constructive solutions or ask the designer for other ideas. If you’ve chosen the right person, then their expertise is what you are paying for – Listen and be open to new ideas!!! But don’t be bashful if the something isn’t what you want it to look like! At the end of the day the Domain Name is yours so make sure that you LOVE IT!
Additional Quick Tips

+ Take the time to plan a GREAT Photoshoot
+ Scour the Net and Look at sites -
Send the designer 5 that you love with a brief explanation why.
+ Also, send the designer images, colors, textures that reflect your vision.
+ Have a contract so that you are both clear on responsibilities and payment
A hand shake seems good at first, but if it’s not in writing there’s no clarity if things go awry
+ I would never suggest giving all payment up front.
Usually 1/3 up front – 1/3 part way through, and 1/3 upon completion OR ½ up front and ½ upon completion.
OK! Did I mention that I have new website!!
I would be so thrilled if you took a moment to explore it and Have Fun!
Love and Google
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