Easy Steps to Booking Your Dream Gig! (Part #1)

Part #1 (the Where and the Why)

For those of you who’ve been on  this list for awhile you might remember that my Dad worked for Arista Records many years ago.  He used to Say “ It’s not Called Music-MUSIC they call it the Music BUSINESS for a Reason….”

What does that mean? It's helpful to think of our careers as 50% Music and 50% Business -  yes that’s a bummer for us creative types….  I know we all want to spend 100% time on our actual music!!

BUT, if we take the time to learn a bit about the business side and understand how things work – it truly helps us get to the next step, which is the most important….
Getting Our Music OUT There and sharing it with our fans !  So Here You Go :)

1. WHERE:  Booking the Right Venues
This first tip might seem obvious, but you would be surprised.  At one point I was booking a club that hosted only jazz and acoustic singer/songwriters.   Rock, Metal and Blues Bands would send me Press Kits.  Really?!?!  Then when a booked a more rock type venue? Jazz Artists would approach me to play there!

Even if they were great, there’s no way I could book them!  And they had wasted my time which was annoying.  More importantly, they had wasted their time and effort by sending materials to a venue that would never book them.

Hot Tip:  DO YOUR REASEARCH! Only approach venues that are booking the genre/style that you play.

2. WHERE: Don’t Put a Monkey in a Library…..What the heck am I talking about?  Ummmm…. A Monkey in a library has the potential to be a Freakin’ Disaster!  They belong in the jungle or a wildlife retreatpark, not a place where people are quiet and reading.   The same applies to your music!!

You don’t want to be the sensitive singer/songwriter dude playing a 3 hour set in a College bar where people are playing pool, drinking shots, & beer funneling.  You've set yourself up for a really rough night.  This situation does not serve your self-esteem, your craft,  building your fan base, or your time!

Once Again, Do Your Research!  Make sure the venue is a good fit for YOUR style.  In this case, a stitch in time saves nine.

Hot Tip:  Find similar artists and see Where They Are Playing.  

This is especially good if you are planning a tour.  Seriously, log onto their artists website and study their tour schedule.  See what clubs, coffeehouses etc they are playing and THEN check out these clubs for yourself.  If the club is local? Show up on a night when they host live music and check it out in person!  Also, this creates a great opportunity to meet the staff and potentially the booker. (more on that next week ;)

3.  WHY am I playing this gig?
That’s a big question people often forget….  Sometimes, we just think we need to play and play and play ANYWHERE for exposure.  You can work a lot more efficiently by being clear about WHO your target market is and focusing on those venues.  (that’s a whole ‘nother article ;)  Exposure is Great but you don’t need to exhaust yourself by taking every opportunity.

Hot Tip: Like any successful business – Have a PLAN - Be Clear about the reasons you are taking the gig.  Target your  performances so that you can get the most of out them.

It’s fine to take the gig in the Biker Bar because they’re paying you $200 bucks.  At least you are clear on WHY you are There.  You’re doing open mics  because you need more experience on stage or you are networking.  All good things!
The most important thing is to prevent yourself from running like a hamster on a wheel, exhausting yourself and getting No Where.

Hot Tip:  Value Yourself and Your Music! Plan your shows so that you can make the most from every performance opportunity

As I was proofing this article,  I just remembered My First SOLO gig in NYC was actually at a Biker Bar in Hell’s Kitchen LOL!  It was literally called, “Hell’s Kitchen Bar”  (Yes, unfortunately I know this stuff because in the past I've made mistakes :)

They had heard me sing with a Blues band and asked if I wanted to book a show for my band……   So, I showed up with my keys and did my Tori Amos/Sarah McLachlan- Chick on Piano Thing.  It sorta worked because it was my first show, so a lot of my friends came out to support me.  But there was definitely some ‘interesting’ audience interaction!!!  My why?  I had never played a show with my singer/songwriter music and it was time to go for it!

My Where?  I could have chosen a more appropriate venue.  But A-ha!  That’s why I speak from experience… lol!

Hot Tip: It’s not always the best idea to take every gig that comes your way…. Just because someone asks, doesn't mean you have to say Yes. 

Remember you are a business and you don’t have to work from desperation and take EVERY gig that comes your way.  Think about your WHY

So…. Stay Tuned – Next Week we will approach the HOW? Plus some Danger Signs of Dishonest Deals!  And some Hot Tips for Thinking outside the Box booking!!
Do Your Research and Rock Out!  After proper planning, of course!!


Oh! As I was saying in the intro This article got me SO Inspired!!  I’m gonna do something crazy- a Meredith Blis Studio Special. This is truly a Limited- Time Offer because it’s so ridiculously cheap.  4 career strategy sessions for $100.  THAT’S more than half off (we can also throw some vocal, performance, theory or piano coaching into that time if you would like ;)  I do what I do because I believe in You!  Skype Sessions are also available. Drop a Line Back to reserve your time NOW! This offer expires next week.....


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