Let's Build an Army of Gratitude

Let's Build an Army of Gratitude!

Every Evening before bed I post a tweet about something I am grateful for. That’s it! Usually it’s based on something that happened during that day.


I have waxed on about gratitude many times in my E-zines. That is because I think it is one of the most powerful ways to bring joy and abundance into our lives.  When we focus on the things that we perceive we lack – the universe responds to that message – of what’s missing in our lives.
If we flip that switch in our mind towards the blessings that we have – we bring in more blessings.
Our life is an amalgamation of our thoughts -  We bring about what we think about!
If there are things you want to change?  Change how you think about them. When we focus on the good things in our lives instead of the things that we don’t want in our lives then the good things will increase ;)


A celebration of the good things
There is awesomeness that happens everyday and we get so caught up in the whirlwind of life – that we overlook it….  When we write it down, we remember

Positive Energy
Cause even on the ickiest of days, at least ONE good thing happens… It’s healthy for our subconscious to tap into that higher frequency as we drift off to bed.  And when we send out to the world, it radiates!

Acknowledgement of life’s tiny gifts  
The #Goodnitegratitude doesn’t have to be monumental. Oftentimes the most powerful gifts are the little things we overlook or take for granted. For example…  the wonderful people in our lives.  (I like to tag them and say thanks ;)

A Reminder
We experience amazing things everyday. We forget that we are surrounded by many tiny blessings. It’s a moment of stillness that helps me to remember them.

This practice keep me super tuned in throughout the course of each day & be more aware of the little blessings - cause I wanna remember to tweet something juicy.  So I notice more things to be grateful for.

Some days I do get stuck ….. So, it forces me to look a bit deeper at my life. And it helps me to filter through the days events and assess the progress I’m making.

It’s about taking stock of the GOOD things! AND being grateful for them
Will you join me in this journey?
Tag me on Twitter – so I can share what you’re grateful for!
And don't forget the Hashtag ;)  #GoodniteGratitude

If you’re not on Twitter?  Please post on My FaceBook Page.
You can Hashtag there too!
That would be so awesome!!

Well, they say it takes a village…. Join me and let’s create a Gratitude Army!!

Love and Light &
Sweet Dreams!

PS.  You are invited join me next Monday, 9/16 at The Hotel Indigo on Union Street!  At 7:30pm I will be playing a mini-set in the TSAI Songwriters Showcase. They have remodeled the room and it's gorgeous.  I will be there early, so join me for a drink and let's hang!  It's going to be a great night of music. Would LOVE to see you there!!!


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