How To Express Your Creative Truth

Last weeks Voga class was “All About the Voice.” This idea corresponds to the throat chakra which is located at the larynx and that is where your vocal chords live! (putting that together was actually my first Voga Yoga a-ha!) We talked a lot about how the voice works, how we can use our breath to create a free voice and we did lots of Voga things to open the voice & release tension in this area.
But this article is going to focus on the importance of the throat chakra from an energetic & creative standpoint.
Interestingly….. The throat chakra is also the center of our truth. This is the place from which we express our souls true message.
How can we facilitate speaking our truth?
Everybody has a History or a Herstory - Your Art expresses the emotions of your unique experiences.
It is the Honesty of the expression that touches others.
We all have shared experiences – but it’s the artists who have an impact are those who have the courage to write, sing, play, draw, etc, about it from that raw place of truth. We are all taught to ‘play nice’ but sometimes things in life don’t feel nice – they are painful. It’s OK to go there too. Sad things happen to all of us. Oftentimes, True art gives us a chance to realize we are not alone in our feelings. It brings people together. Don't be afraid to say what you think and feel cause chances are if you're feeling it? Someone else is too.
YOUR MAGIC is that no one else ever anywhere will use the same words/chords/melodies/colors to express those emotions.
We all bring a perspective based on our individual experiences & that’s makes your expression unique!
What shade blue would you choose to paint that sky? Or maybe in your world it's Red? (that color of lost love worked particularly well for Taylor Swift & it’s a great song!!!)
The honesty that we bring to expressing our experiences is the gold that enables us to touch others.
Honest expression reaches people because it taps into this common vein of heartaches.
The individual story is what makes Your Art YOU.
And you add depth by telling our story in your Unique Way. This is what makes your work speak your truth.
This is not to say all good art is a result of bloodshed!!
Powerful art also can also express hopes, joys and faith.
People want to feel & share happiness as well
Art can also be a blessing that gives us positive feelings & healing on our path!
Think about your favorite song…. What makes it touch you? Chances are, the melody or lyrics stirs an emotion…. It makes you feel something you want to embrace or makes you feel like you’re not alone in your feelings or it stirs up a memory.
Powerful Stuff!
Never forget you have that magic as well – in whatever medium you choose!
Now go forth, speak your truth and share it
Love and Sweet Potatoes with Marshmallows
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