What NOT To Do In The New Year ;)

In the past, resolutions for me are like the prosaic band-aid. They don’t address the obstacles that may have prevented me from already having done what I set out to do. We can drive ourselves nuts by making huge sudden shifts without looking at the complete picture. 
I realize the cold turkey, all or nothing approach works for some peeps and that’s great!  But unfortunately, not for me. 
There were things I wanted to accomplish, but didn’t get them done last year (or the year) before, so it was necessary to go a bit deeper to figure out WHY.
So, I gave it some thought…
What are things that I am doing that block what I want to get done? 

1.  Overbook My Schedule
I did take a lot of real down time in NM and that was a new thing for me.  I allowed myself to move more slowly and go with the flow.  Happily, I discovered that gave me a greater sense of peace and focus.  If I plan less to do each day, Ironically I get more done and I feel much less stressed!!
2.  To Do - Too Much
Monday- 9 am - Take Over the World
Perhaps, it’s possible LOL but NOT in one day
This is inline with the above, but a different mindset.  It’s imperative for me to plan things out in Baby Steps.  If I look at the to-do item “Build a Website” – my brain goes into overload and becomes confused.  But if I plan an hour to look at web templates, that’s do-able.
It’s the everyday little tasks that add up & make a difference.
3. Stay Up All Night….
This is a little change, but a huge shift. I often lament that I sleep too late.  Hmmm… Maybe that’s because I stay up too late?!?!  And this creates unrealistic expectations on the back end.  I am one of those people who needs my beauty sleep. lol!  Knowing myself then I have to understand – I can’t start my day at 8am if I go to bed at 2am  But if I go to bed at 11?  It’s realistic to schedule something at 8am.  I must admit this one is a work in progress and I will keep you posted!!!
(and any helpful advice about getting up earlier would be awesome!)
Please drop a line back and share some of your To-Don’ts!
I realized it’s not the to-do’s  or to-don’ts that matter, it’s really about how we can create better habits that will help us to achieve our goals!!
And it’s also helpful to remind ourselves that when we slip back into old patterns…. It’s never too late to make a new start again, Even if it’s February ;)
LOVE YOU and May your New Year be Magical and Bright,


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