4 Easy Ways To Hear Your Inner Voice
In our busy, loud world we often lose track of the most important sound…. Our inner voice. When we lose that connection with our intuition it’s easy to lose perspective, create chaos, stress ourselves out & forget our higher purpose.
GOOD NEWS! It’s really simple to get back on track and here some easy ways to get started...
Listen to Others
Odd coincidence or not? The word Silent contains the same letters as the word Listen
I am often guilty of interrupting or being too hurried to hear other people so this is a big one for me!
When I did one component of my Level 2 yoga teacher training it was called, “Conscious Communication” We spent an entire day on the topic of learning to hear other people. And it boils down to one word, remaining Silent.
Listening to other people requires us to slow down in a busy world. When we listen, this enables us to connect more deeply not only with others but also with ourselves. It’s also helpful to focus on your breath as you take in others people words. When we aren’t jumping in trying to finish sentences, offer advice, or speak only to be heard, it brings a deeper level awareness, helps to preserve our energy and strengthens our presence. Also, it’s simple kindness to allow other people to be heard ;)
When the mind is racing there is no way for us to hear what’s really going on inside of us emotionally or physically.
Stillness creates space for our minds to think clearly, solve problems, create new ideas and it brings peace to our life in a powerful way.
One of the best tools is meditation. It only takes 3 minutes of meditation to positively shift our circulation & blood pressure, 5 minutes to change our breathing and 11 minutes can bring balance to our glandular system which decreases both stress & cortisol levels!
On a day to day basis, we tolerate so much sound around us it’s easy to forget that noise around us creates noise within us
Oftentimes our deeper voice is aching to be heard. There’s no way to hear it when the world is shouting around us! Back in NM it was amazing to turn off my phone, not text and briefly check email once a day. That’s not always realistic, but it is plausible for an evening or a day. I promise your world will not implode ;) The benefits of connecting with our deeper self are well worth it.
It’s also interesting to observe the sound distractions around us. Oftentimes, they diver attention from what's truly going on within us. Silence is a powerful way to build awareness.
As I said above, I took a walk in the woods last weekend and gave myself the opportunity to just BE, Slow down and connect with nature. I went in there pretty hectic and emerged with a lot of clarity and peace. Even in my quiet apartment I was feeling a little stressed and unfocused. It took that hour of just Be-ing for me to sort thru the emotions and patterns that were getting in the way of my inner knowing, confidence, and intuition. I am huge fan of nature and how it helps to bring our minds back into balance. Take time to do the quiet things that you enjoy, allow your mind to unwind and your spirit to speak.
Ok, you can return to your regularly scheduled chaos now – be aware of the noise around you and don’t forget to hear the powerful voice inside you!
Love and Light
GOOD NEWS! It’s really simple to get back on track and here some easy ways to get started...
Listen to Others
Odd coincidence or not? The word Silent contains the same letters as the word Listen
I am often guilty of interrupting or being too hurried to hear other people so this is a big one for me!
When I did one component of my Level 2 yoga teacher training it was called, “Conscious Communication” We spent an entire day on the topic of learning to hear other people. And it boils down to one word, remaining Silent.
Listening to other people requires us to slow down in a busy world. When we listen, this enables us to connect more deeply not only with others but also with ourselves. It’s also helpful to focus on your breath as you take in others people words. When we aren’t jumping in trying to finish sentences, offer advice, or speak only to be heard, it brings a deeper level awareness, helps to preserve our energy and strengthens our presence. Also, it’s simple kindness to allow other people to be heard ;)
When the mind is racing there is no way for us to hear what’s really going on inside of us emotionally or physically.
Stillness creates space for our minds to think clearly, solve problems, create new ideas and it brings peace to our life in a powerful way.
One of the best tools is meditation. It only takes 3 minutes of meditation to positively shift our circulation & blood pressure, 5 minutes to change our breathing and 11 minutes can bring balance to our glandular system which decreases both stress & cortisol levels!
On a day to day basis, we tolerate so much sound around us it’s easy to forget that noise around us creates noise within us
Oftentimes our deeper voice is aching to be heard. There’s no way to hear it when the world is shouting around us! Back in NM it was amazing to turn off my phone, not text and briefly check email once a day. That’s not always realistic, but it is plausible for an evening or a day. I promise your world will not implode ;) The benefits of connecting with our deeper self are well worth it.
It’s also interesting to observe the sound distractions around us. Oftentimes, they diver attention from what's truly going on within us. Silence is a powerful way to build awareness.
As I said above, I took a walk in the woods last weekend and gave myself the opportunity to just BE, Slow down and connect with nature. I went in there pretty hectic and emerged with a lot of clarity and peace. Even in my quiet apartment I was feeling a little stressed and unfocused. It took that hour of just Be-ing for me to sort thru the emotions and patterns that were getting in the way of my inner knowing, confidence, and intuition. I am huge fan of nature and how it helps to bring our minds back into balance. Take time to do the quiet things that you enjoy, allow your mind to unwind and your spirit to speak.
Ok, you can return to your regularly scheduled chaos now – be aware of the noise around you and don’t forget to hear the powerful voice inside you!
Love and Light
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