An Easy Way to Add a little Sparkle to your mornings

So in my journey of sharing the #ShineAgain project on Instagram, I am so grateful to say that I have been meeting some AMAZING people! It has truly become an enlightening journey for me. Todays post is about you one of my new fabulous discoveries: SHINE TEXT!

Gotta Love that synchronicity :)

Every morning I get a little glitter in my Inbox, not my email (email often overwhelms me, but that’s another post!)

It’s a Good Morning text that links to a short inspiring article about self-care, productivity and inspiring insights.

Sign up for Shine.Text Here :

That being said, today's article is a repost written by Shine Contributor Kara Cuttruzzula.

It’s all about owning your power.

Powerful Stuff, No pun intended :)

Read it here.

Ask anyone who knows me, morning is usually not my time to shine but this new little hack has really given a new little sparkle to my day :)

Let me know what you think!

Love and Light to You,

THE #SHINEAGAIN Campaign Continues!

It has been an amazing journey of spreading the love on Instagram with the #ShineAgain Campaign.

Here are some of the many incredible and touching pix that people have been sharing to inspire and raise awareness for mental health. wowee!


Do you want to be a part of it and help people to #ShineAgain? It’s as simple as a sign and a selfie.

Don’t forget to tag me and use the #ShineAgain Follow Me on Instagram HERE.

For more campaign details go here.


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