Learning to Embrace Life's *FUN* factor
I tend to have a lot of pots on the fire at once. And ….
Sometimes an area where I fall short is getting out, celebrating and embracing the *FUN* factor of life. Truth be told, I am a workaholic and I prefer time alone writing, making music and playing in my home studio. Yes, either of those things can constitute big fun for me on Friday night LOL
However, merry making with friends is also a big fun! And it is something I would like to usher in more of for myself in the coming year. SO, of course I pondered some ideas to help make that happen. And please my beautiful ones bring on your thoughts as well because of course *FUN* is always twice as nice with friends and loved ones :)
1. Give yourself space
I tend to over schedule life, my Gcal is often packed with more to-do’s on a Monday than I could finish in a week. And it leaves me stressed out …. So step one is to leave more space. Most coaches and time management Gurus say to stick with 3 major tasks / goals for the week. Learning to prioritize and narrow things down is definitely a great place for me to start. Now you may ask, “Meredith - how is that FUN ?” When we leave more space, we leave more time to unwind, more time for the opportunity to hang with friends, more energy to go out AND when my brain is not spinning with too many to-do’s it enables me to focus on the things that bring me JOY
As well as…..
2. Unexpected Adventure!
Last week I had the most exquisite last minute adventure. A friend bought me an early bday gift in the form of Elton John tix! That afternoon, when asked if I wanted to go. I said no way, I'm working late, I’m too tired, whine, whine, whine. Although there was a piece of me that really wanted to take the adventure, I was feeling too bogged down to commit.
Then.... To my surprise, the tix were bought anyway and before I knew it? I was scheduling make up lessons and heading to Bridgestone arena with an espresso in my hand….
As you know, I am an advocate of self-care, but sometimes self care means pushing ourselves to take that adventure and allow ourselves to step back from life and enjoy the things that bring us joy. It can also mean creating an unexpected adventure for someone else!
It’s easy to get up caught up in schedules and ought to’s. There is a true magic in changing up the everyday routine to do something different, something unplanned, something new and have an adventure!
As for last week? What could be better adventure than a trip down the Yellow Brick Road with one of my favorite songwriter / pianist / performers? (see the pic above :)
3. FUN can be found in the ‘little’ things
One doesn’t have to spend a ton of money, go thru the hassle of heels & make up or create something monumental. It might be trite to say, but there is a such a powerful beauty in the little things. *FUN* can mean anything that brings you a smile!
For me it can be little things like baking, decorating cupcakes with my adopted nieces/nephews, going pottery painting, finding a new glitter make up, playing ball with the cat, cranking up the music and dancing, listening to a nerdy book on tape, etc ….
Sometimes, I find that creating little moments of fun can be a super powerful way to bring positive energy to my day. And then when I get back to work I feel more focused and light. I'm sure your list will probably look different than mine. Doesn't matter what it is - having *FUN* can create some marvelous shifts in both our world and our perspective of life.
So those are my bday thoughts! Now it’s time to Celebrate!
Wishing you a beautiful blessed and magical Halloween.
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