The Power of the 'Pause'


Over this past year I have found that ‘quarantine’ can be a powerful teacher.         (yeah, I’m crazy like that :)

I’ve discovered that solitary spaces can bring answers
(sometimes to questions that I didn’t even know I needed to reckon with lol)

Without a myriad of social activities and expectations,  I
was suddenly able to see things more clearly.

Fewer obligations gave me better Choices.  Because I felt less obligated, I had more freedom to choose the choices that I wanted to make.

In other words, fewer ‘have-to’s’ enabled me to reconnect more deeply with my ‘want-to’s.’

And having more quiet time gave me the gift of
being able to listen more deeply to my own voice.

When we run through life at the speed of 5G
We miss so much along the way.

And “Busy” is sexy because we often perceive it as a synonym for success or popularity.

Then … suddenly our lives were hit with a Pause Button and the message that we don’t always have the power to change what’s going on around us.

but ...
Once that truth bomb settles, there is a powerful A-Ha.
Time in Isolation offers a precious gift to connect more deeply with what’s going on within us

I mean after all, isn’t that what most of busyness is designed to keep us from doing?
Listening more clearly
Connecting more deeply
Being fully present in the present moment

So Why do we revel in the Busyness?

Stillness, Gratitude & Silence create a Void 
(nothingness is pretty scary ...)
As humans, our nature is to want to peer inside
(that's scary too)

Maybe our Perception is Everything.

and Perhaps?
Pulling back the curtain and looking deeper can be an amazing opportunity to
Listen to Our Own Soul 

(Which can also be scary )
but it is Imperative to listen  (more imperative than being scared or busy or successful or popular or .....)
because ...

If we’re not listening to our own
soul / heart / desires / inner voice / self
Then wtf Are we doing?

I am grateful to have had this little pause to think on that one  :)
So my dear ones,
Even in the midst of life’s storms, it is possible to connect with our true self and uncover the little things that bring us joy and tranquility.
Sometimes it’s as easy as just standing still long enough to hear the answer

Reprieve from the chaos is coincidentally in theme with my upcoming single,  “Zero Gravity”
In short, it’s about finding your ‘happy place,’ but more on that next time

Til then - let me know what your soul has to say about things :)

May your world be filled with Love, Light and Joy


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