*The Age of Aquarius*

"When the Moon is in the Seventh House, And Jupiter aligns with Mars, Then peace will guide the planets And Love will steer the stars..... This Is The Dawning of, 'The Age of Aquarius'....."
WHERE is that song from?
OK, so these lyrics (written by james rado & gerome ragni) are ones we have all heard a zillion times. As most of us know they are from the fabulous musical "Hair" (music by Galt McDermott) - Question for all those scholars out there.... Does anyone know of anything else that these fellas have written? Wish I knew :) "Hair" is an incredible musical set in the 60's - in addition to score, it features brilliant choreography by the modern-dance maven, Twyla Tharp. Thru an intense storyline, "Hair" shares the well-known adage of 'hippies' everywhere - peace, love & understanding but more importantly the message - 'a big change is gonna come.'
SO, what I wanted to write about today is HOW does this song / musical tie into the Age Of Aquarius? AND What the Heck is The Age Of Aqaurius?
Funny enough.... I know a bit about this from a yogic standpoint, it's something that I actually remember learning about in Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training -lol!
Every 2 thousand years or so the planets shift to coordinate with a certain sign of the Zodiac.
Ok, great, but what does THAT mean?
Right now we are nearing the end of the Piscean Age.
The Age of Pisces is characteristically marked as a time of closed communication as well as, a time of esoteric knowledge - when studies of truth & spirituality were hidden. Information was only often given thru initiation therefore, the vast knowledge of the universe was not openly accessible to everyone. Case in point, Kundalini Yoga was only taught (until the late 1960's) to those born into the Sikh Religion and only after consideration of the individual student. Now, we have teacher trainings in many countries around the world and anyone can take a class. (btw, note of self-promotion.... I teach here in Taos at the Southside Gym and at El Monte Sagrado Living Spa)
The Piscean Age fostered a patriarchal world with a closed view towards sexuality. Finally, during this time, people looked outside of themselves for 'God' with a failure to recognize the individual potential as well as our connection with each other and the universal consciousness.
(don't worry! 'a change is gonna come....')

WHAT is the Age of Aquarius?
The 'official' beginning to Aquarius occurs on 12 / 12 / 2012
(for information about where the stars will be? see the song lyrics...!)
The Age of Aquarius is often called the "information age." - knowledge is available to all with ease and without initiation. This concept is exemplified with the rise in technology. In today's world, with a computer or even a library (do we still use those?) any information is available at our fingertips. And with Blackberry's, Cell Phones and E-mail, Myspace, Facebook, Twitter - communication is easy (no waiting for the mule train to get a letter & 100 years ago people didn't even have Phones!) simple and instant. The Aquarian age is also marked by openness (ex: sexuality) and an acceptance & understanding of others (ex: races, sexes).
Beginning to understand the transition to Aquarius with those hippies showing an extreme openness to sexuality ? The advent of the so called, 'women's liberation movement'? The Civil Rights Movement? Furthermore, we are all beginning to understand the 'hippie' view of universal consciousness & the importance of community. We are reaching outside of our individual views; example, the rising trends of learning about eastern religions. Which by the way, it would have been very difficult to read a book about or attend a class in those topics 50 years ago. And forget about getting something like Siberian Ginseng or Acai Berries at the Supermarket!

IF the Aquarian Age doesn't begin until 2012, why were people singing about it in the 1960's?
Well, if we look at a timetable of 2,000 years, it makes sense that 40 years before the transition, the "dawn" would begin (the shifts in consciousness were beginning to take form). And since then we can note an increased pace, a snowballing effect of how things are radically shifting. We mentioned communication - Social Networking Sites are appearing everywhere - we have gone from meeting people on Myspace & internet dating sites, to Facebook where you can find your High School Prom date (mine found me by the way!) to Twitter where you can communicate with thousands of people - instantly! Unfortunately, we can also see major disruption & destruction in our world affairs (war), communities, environment, economies.... And this is also a result of the change in times. We can note how it has gone, from bad, to awful to really scary in a short time over the past few years. This 'chaos' is the result of things beginning to move faster & faster - like when you roll down a hill - we start slow and our pace increases as we continue to roll to the bottom. BUT the good news....? We land safely and with this Dawn turning into Sun Light, we can look forward to...
"Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revalation
And the mind's true liberation - Aquarius...."

Love & Light to You, Meredith


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