3 MORE Fun Ways to Piss People Off!

I think sometimes, a struggle we all have is fitting in.  Yeah, it starts in Nursery School and continues till eternity…..  We all wanna have friends, as well as, be loved & accepted for who we are. And We should be!  However, sometimes that makes us change who we are so that the other kids invite us to their parties and the influential adults invite us to their cocktail parties……
In reality, I don’t wanna really PISS people off.  The real point of this article is to say, don't be afraid to have a positive mindset or be yourself, just because yes….  Occasionally that might turn people off & leave you off their Guest List.  As you read the article below, you might even be happy to learn, there are some parties you DON’T want to attend.  ;)

1.      Don’t Attend their Pity Parties
For some reason it has become the established norm in our world to communicate by complaining…..
And we all get dragged into it.  I urge you to listen very closely to conversations and note this phenomenon.  And unfortunately, once someone starts, that makes it hard for us to share our good news or talk about happy things.  There’s an obvious incongruence there and that’s where you’re gonna piss people off.
Some people only want to see the glass half-empty.  But that doesn’t mean that you have to as well.

That being said, Yes we all have days and moments where we need to vent!!  Releasing those emotions with awareness is much different than making your complaining a lifestyle choice.   Taking a moment to consciously acknowledge a problem is a healthy way to let go of things.   Then we can let it go or brainstorm for a solution!!!
Spending an endless evening discussing how awful your friends job/life/boyfriend/girlfriend/house or etc. is…..  For the 100th time?
Let’s Just Say…..
I’d rather be home alone on a Saturday night with a half-FULL glass of Bordeaux than out all night at a pity party with a tear in my beer!

2.      BE HAPPY

People often chide me on this one….
Like the one night when I was out with friends and they were all dishing about their latest catastrophes.  (This wasn’t a pity party, my friends were just having a crappy week) Then someone said, “OK Mer, you’re not allowed to contribute to this conversation because you’re always so damn positive.”  Guess I was dissed…..

 Woe is me and my happiness…. NEWS FLASH – it’s not true.  I have blue days ;)  They missed the news flash because Being happy often means that you don’t project your ‘stuff’ onto other people.

Occasionally, People who are unhappy want everyone around them to be unhappy.  They find their empowerment by walking around in a circle of gloom & doom and bringing other people down.   So, I guess sometimes?  Your happiness is gonna piss them off!

 The truth is that happiness is a mindset. Happiness is choice.  And you can choose to be happy NOW!

Sometimes it’s just a matter of just accepting where you’re in this moment and realizing that you have the power to change those things that are bringing you down….

3.       Be a Gossip-Free Zone

Just like complaining, it’s amazing to discover how many conversations nowadays focus on assumptions and the personal details of OTHER people’s lives.  I mean we’re bombarded by it constantly in magazines, reality TV & radio.  But really, is it any of your business if so and so broke up with so and so and is now dating so and so? I like to ask myself, what does this information add to the bigger picture of my life?  And sometimes when I say that to people, it pisses them off…..

If the information can potentially help me with business, creating a personal relationship, or protect me from harm.  Yes, then it’s relevant! But still let your own intuition and experience always be your best guide. Also, I like to ask myself – would I say this to the persons face?  Is this information based on fact (or conjecture ;)? Is this story beneficial? If all 3 answers are NO, then, it’s gossip!  This is a hard one because we have been conditioned to talk about other people and talking about others gives us a little respite from our own lives.  We all need that…..

So you don’t have the dough for a trip to Costa Rica?  Instead try

taking a week’s vacation from gossip - notice it but don’t participate.  You’ll be amazed at how this helps YOU to become more focused and positive.  Oh yeah, it might piss some people off…..

And don’t misconstrue, I’m not perfect?!?! I’ve been known to be cranky, gossipy and even host some pity parties. However, the more I let go of these habits?  The more room there is in my life for some positivity and peace.  And if that pisses people off?  Well, they can decline the invite to my happy dance party ;)

Till next time,

May you be happy, gossip free and not have to attend any pity parties!


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