4 Ways To Be Worry Free

Don’t Worry Be Happy!
4 Ways To Be Worry-Free

Ah…. If Life were just as simple as a Bobby McFerrin Song….
Here’s the Truth….
We Humans are masters at creating stress and anxiety

We worry about the things that have not happened yet
These are the What If’s, the Maybes, that feeling of dread that something MIGHT happen.
And then? We lose sleep & waste our precious energy in anxiety over something that is not a tangible reality :(
When you look at it that way, the worry just doesn’t make Sense

Tip #1
“In Every Life We have some trouble, But when we worry we make it Double…..”

It’s much more useful to stay focused on the things that are directly in front of you
Simply put, don’t worry about problems that don’t exist!  You have much more important things to do than have a panic attack over something that might not even ever come to fruition.
If something tangible happens, trust that you have the ability to deal with it.
Focus on what’s in front of you in that moment.   This frees our mind and our energy to handle the situations that do exist!
Instead of creating problems, deal with situations as they come up

Tip #2
“The people that mind don’t matter and the people that matter don’t mind” 
I love Dr. Suess!

We Worry about what others think.  In actuality you have no way to know for sure what is truly going on in someone else’s brain!!
Also, my mom always used to say, “You can’t please all the people all of the time”
 Oftentimes, we exhaust ourselves trying.   Realize the truth that there’s no way to always make Everyone else happy – so stop worrying  yourself by trying.  At the end of the day….
Focus on the people who matter!

Tip #3
As my Yoga Mentor, Yogi Bhajan would say
"When the time is on you, start and the pressure will be off"

There’s much less to worry about if you allow yourself to prepare
Sometimes  anxiety is created by real concerns.  It’s powerful to recognize those moments.  And then?  Create a plan to deal with it.   This is the best way to alleviate anxiety.  When we are in motion and handling reality – this enables us to create powerful change.   And because you are focused on action and handling the ‘issue;  your  mind is no longer focusing on the worry emotions!

I spoke with a friend today who is in a huge transition with her spouse and family.  Her situation brought up a real concern about the stability of finances.    So I strongly suggested that she meet with her accountant and create a plan to protect her assets.  She smiled and Exhaled!  Don’t live IN the problem - Create a solution

Tip #4
Lastly, there’s the old adage shared time and time gain by sages, life coaches and positive thinkers…..
What you focus on creates your reality.
So focus on what you want your life to be!
Use your precious energy to create a beautiful today instead of fear-filled tomorrow

And when in doubt whistle….. or if you can’t whistle?  (like me) 
Sing that part of the song that goes
wooh – wooh –ooh –oooh –woo –oooo –ooh…

My Sweet Friends! Don’t Worry Be Happy!
Love and Light


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