Let Your Light Shine!

Let Your Light Shine!

1. Do the things that make you happy! 
Sounds so simple. When we are engaged in the things that bring us joy – our spirit becomes lighter. Compare the feeling in your body between when you are engaged in your favorite hobby versus headed off to an event that you are dreading.  There’s a heaviness when we are wrapped up in things that bring us down.  Be present and notice the things that bring an easy smile -
Whatever makes you happy will make your inner light shine!

2. Reach out to others!
This idea is something that works on 2 levels…..   I have found on the days that I may feel blue, the temptation is often to crawl inside a cave to ensure that the rest of the world will disappear.  However, oftentimes if I do reach out to a friend?   It tends to turn that deep blue to a much lighter shade.   Allow the people who love you to support you.
AND the converse is true.   When we reach out to HELP other people (this can be friends, or charity work, or a simple favor)  Our spirit becomes lighter by lifting up other peoples burdens!

3. Gratitude…
Yes here I go again on that one…..
As my mom would say, “Count Your Blessings, Not your Problems”. When we start to count the things in our life that are positive – it brings joy to our spirit.   When we choose to focus on the good stuff our spirit releases the worries and, you guessed it…. We become Lighter!

Speaking of which... Have you joined the Gratitude Revolution Yet?
I’m still tweeting my #GoodniteGratitude every eve with a thanks for something that happened that day.
Check out my stream on Twitter Here and On Facebook Here
Would love for you to join my mission of Gratitude.  (if you missed that post click here)

Oh and One more thought on being light?
Pay attention to your physical body :)
Exhaustion brings a weighted feeling.  It’s important to allow yourself ample down time! More wholesome foods (not processed) are less work for your body to assimilate which leaves you with more natural energy! And lots of water detoxifies and keeps you feeling clearer.  Also exercise is wonderful for lifting the spirit - it releases endorphins and when we feel fit - we become more vibrant!

When our bodies feel lighter, Our spirits tend to shine Brighter.

Drop a line back and share with me,
What are some things that bring you light?

Wishing you Beautiful Bountiful Blissful Blessings in all that you do


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