5 Easy Ways To Feel More Peaceful :)

Alas, I am always searching for ways to bring more peace into my life.  I will say this whole slowing down thing has been quite a magical experience.  And last week, I had another  epiphany that I wanted to share.  These 5 thoughts are something that we had studied in my yoga teacher training.  They resonated with me so much that they’re even on the dashboard of my car.  But when I saw ‘em in Cari’s newsletter last week that was a sign for me to pull them out again and to take a deeper look ….

The list is called,  “The Five Sutras of the Aquarian Age”

What’s a Sutra??
Think of the medical term suture – the stitches that doctors use. Sutras are figuratively and literally “threads” that string life together, words to live by. Sutras help to hold things together.
(and for those of you curious ones?  Kama means sensual or sexual and the original textalso discusses the nature of love, family life & gracious living thereby encompassing ALL of the threads of a contented life.  The Kama part is only a piece of it ;)

Ok, Back to the Aquarian Age!

Astrologers have determined that every two thousand years, time moves us backward through the astrological signs, into a new age. Each period lasts thousands of years.  That’s why people started celebrating the age of Aquarius in the 1960’s when it was still almost 50 years away!  It was a huge shift from the more rigid energy of the Piscean age to the more open and interconnected energy of Aquarius.
That all sounds great…  But are there things that we can do everyday to help us bring in more peace?

Five Sutras for the Aquarian Age

Recognize that the other person is you.
This is one of my favorites – in moments of insecurity it helps me to remember that I’m not alone.  Maybe the other person is feeling small too.  In moments of judgment it helps me to remember maybe I’m seeing a piece of me reflected in that person.  We are all human. Period.  And whether you like it or not, we are all connected, so oftentimes we are all feeling similar emotions.

There is a way through every block
Sometimes you just have to take a step back, be a bit more patient or listen a bit more deeply and find it!
Cari wrote an amazing post on this last week.  Link Here

When the time is on you, start, and the pressure will be off
Nuff Said ;)  This one is helpful for my procrastination tendencies.
The tension always dissipates once I get going!  So when I’m stressed about accomplishing something, it reminds me to send that energy into getting the job done!!

Understand through compassion or you will misunderstand the times
See Yourself & other people through the eyes of compassion and your world will be a much prettier place.

Vibrate the Cosmos, the Cosmos shall clear the path
This one takes a bit of faith – Here's how I like to think of it.....  When you put your whole heart & spirit into something you create a powerful energy.  This creates a strong vibration and as you keep moving forward, the universe responds to this vibration and creates a  clear path for you to follow.

I realized that when I remain aware of these simple ideas within the framework of my everyday interactions,
They help to bring me more peace :)  And I do hope they will for you too!

What’s your favorite Aquarian Sutra?
Sending you Peace, Love and Many Blessings!


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