DAY #2: 30 days of Songwriting

Wow - it's 9:30pm which makes 4 and half hours on my first day out!!!! No so shabby :)

The hardest part was getting started.  I had to turn off my business brain and allow myself to leave some other tasks unfinished in order to begin. Not easy for me!  I think that's a big part of what this journey is about, focusing on the creative as opposed to getting wrapped up in the chaos of everyday 'responsibilities'

Song title today is, "Catch Me If  You Can."  I started this one before my trip to NM.  And I am thrilled to have made the time to finish it!
For sure I feel good about the clarity of the story and verses.  But, still can't seem to tighten up this chorus.  I think I have around 7 versions with very subtle changes.  Each time it feels closer.  And thought that taking a step back might help me see what I'm missing when I return to the lyric....   Ok, I could keep blogging about it or perhaps get back to it since I still have some energy left.

As a side note it's taken a lot of pressure off to think about this journey as 30 days of writing as opposed to 30 songs in 30 days.  I think in the end that might mean less songs but (hopefully) more polished ones. 
Thanks for being a part of this journey!


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