Day #4: 30 days of Songwriting

All ducks in a row.... And my little home studio!

That seemed to be the focus of this very productive day!  I am seeing that a big part of this project is catching up on a lot the things that I have been putting off.  And it seems that these  tasks that are an  integral part of setting up my writing world.   It feels really good to get them done!  So, perhaps part of this endeavor is tackling some self-defeating avoidance......

As for actual writing.  Had a Great Co-write with the magical melody maker, Kim Franca, this morning @ ASCAP.  We finished a tune called, "Don't Dim Your Light"  Most of the time was spent on the bridge.  It's amazing sometimes the amount of detailed thought that can go into making a 4 lines work!
I also brainstormed, free-writing, for a while on a song that's been cooking in my brain since NM.  Hopefully more on that down the line.

The big deal was prep work for tomorrows 12 hour immersion.  If you read the post 30 songs in 30 days I refer to this process.  And I will share more about it down the line.  Have been TRYING to make these daily posts short!  The basic concept is to write solidly for 12 hours and attempt the goal of 20 songs in 12 songs in 12 hours.  Not striving for perfect songs - music creations of any type. 

SO, in order to make that more seamless
I finally set up my home studio! (see the pretty picture) AND cleared off the top of the piano!
(I wish I had a before picture, but that would also be a little bit embarrassing. ha!)  This entailed filing lots of notes from old songs and even going to Office Depot to get pretty little racks to organize the current projects.  Whew!  And a trip to Guitar Center.  Now I finally have Midi for the keyboard and re-set up my little Apogee One for recording live. Wow!  Attempted to upgrade Garage Band, but realized I will have to deal with that another day.

Meantime, I ought to head off to bed now.  BIG day tomm, Keep you Posted.  Thanks for the support and for being a part this journey  XO


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