Your Presence is the Best Present!
So, we know that we all have IT - But how can we learn to embrace our gifts and take them to the next level?
The truth is that it does take some time, plus what I call the 3 C's &
Confidence, a good Coach, and putting in the hard work to Cultivate it!
Confidence Quite Simply You need to believe in yourself before anyone else will. Sometimes it's just a little seed, but you have to start somewhere!
If you study the biography of any successful person - I assure you, this fact will be true.
They possessed an intense passion in something or about something. They believed in themselves because they had such an incredible desire that they spent their life making that dream come alive. Their belief in their passion was the foundation for their belief in themselves.
Coach This can mean mentor, teacher or the tools you take on to study your pursuit.
Most importantly, Your Coach is your champion- the person who helps you to learn the skills so that you can advance in your field. And they also bring the cheering section on the days when you need support. We all need a cheering section! (as my coach says, this is an important thing to learn to cultivate within yourself as well)
And your coach can help you to focus on your goals, figure out your path, and guide you through the important steps to take so that you can make your dream a reality.
I cannot stress what an integral part of the journey this is. No one does this alone!
Find your coach and build your team
Cultivate If you have your passion and you've found your coach? Well, my friends, you are halfway there. Perhaps I should be more specific with this last C. Cultivate your craft. Study, Practice and Be Open To Learning. One of my favorite mentors in NM (Mary Bruscheni- she is the magical director of the Taos Gospel Choir) who is an unbelievable musician used to say to me, "Learning is a Life-Long Journey." The truly great people never stop. They say Winston Churchill used to read a book a night. Billy Joel, after being a multiple Grammy winner, then took a step back and composed the classical solo piano piece, "Fantasies & Delusions." There are countless others but you get the point. Cultivate your gifts by expanding them.
And this is also a key to confidence, you become freer to express your gifts when you are actively pursuing them.
Your Presence is Your Best Present!
We all have gifts. And these are things we can share with others (during the Holi-daze and Anytime!) Take a moment and take stock of something you are good at? Maybe there's an awesome way you can share that gift with someone?
Like my Gingerbread House, I'm gonna give that to a girlfriend who has a little kid. Well, it's for sure Not about the artistic talent in the frosting or the gum drops! It's the love and joy that went into making it.
AND that is also the key to your Stage Presence and a huge part of sharing your musical gifts. The most powerful things are gifts from the heart. If you want to touch people with your art, give it to them from your heart!
Want to know more? Drop me a line back here
and let s chat about my upcoming Performance Success Program!!
Let's get YOUR GIFTS Shining!
Wishing You JOY, Cookies, Smiles and Egg Nog (or Soy Nog)
And I hope you get lots of amazing gifts too
LOVE, Chanukah Lights and Christmas Tree Tinsel
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