3 Easy Tips to Help Kick Performance Fears to the Curb!
OK, maybe that wasn't so scary.... But sometimes getting up and performing in front of a room full of people can be terrifying.... There are so many reasons why and the reasons are usually different for everyone.
We started class last week by journaling for a few minutes,
(this is a very helpful exercise for you to try too!)
I asked everyone, OK, what is your biggest fear about performing? And then we shared our answers and for each person we focused on real solutions to help shift the mindset. Because actually, in a lot of ways that is what fear is- a negative mindset.
I once had a Yoga Mentor who said that Fear can follow us like a shadow. But often, when we turn around and look at it – we discover it's not as bad as we think. You can think of it like a bully. Once you step up and fight back, they usually go away.
When we have the tools to face things head on, they usually begin to disappear......
Here are some tools for ya!
1. You are not alone.
Yes! A lot of people get nervous before they go on stage. It's all cool & It's all good.
Did anyone listen to the 60 minutes pre-Grammy interview with Adele? Our Grammy Diva literally talked about projectile vomiting before going on stage. (Ok, not so quaint, but that's part of why we love her. She keeps it real.) Fear is normal. It is OK. I give you permission. Breathe. Accept it. The root of it is adrenaline. Acknowledge that shaky, queasy feeling – connect with that adrenaline. Adrenaline is fight or flight, right?
That nervousness is actually your friend. Think of it as energy building & it's energy you Need so that you can give your show 150%. Adrenaline is going to HELP you to go on stage and Rock! You have 2 options..
Flight- You can just leave the club, go home & watch Netflix for the night OR Switch the Station...... Fight!! Use the Adrenaline to your advantage.
2. Be Prepared!!
I say to my students all the time, you should know your songs so well, that you would be able to continue playing even if the stage collapses around you....
Maybe a mild exaggeration? But the point is important. The better you know your set/song & the more Comfortable you are with your material, Then, the more Confident you will be. It's a simple formula - preparation brings confidence and that fear monster has a really rough time standing up to either......
One of the biggest things is Fear of the Unknown. If you have been playing in the same club for years. It's pretty easy, you know the sound system, you know the bar tender, you know the energy of the club, you know the stage and you're comfortable there. But play a bigger room, move to a new city or have an important audience member (Music exec? Publisher?) That can really challenge your game. Once again, Fear isn't going to stick around if you know your set so well that it won't phase you when that drunk guy starts heading towards the stage to join the band......
Most importantly, Being prepared also enables you to really sink into the material and express your music!!! THAT is what you want your audience and those music biz folks to notice
3. Realize that you have a gift to share!!
One of the biggest fears is that people aren't going to 'get it' or that they might even poke fun at your expression. Yikes, that is painful to even write or think about!
So instead, it's much nicer to look at it this way....
Art is real, it comes from a deep soul place inside of us, That's what makes it so scary to express. However, that is also what makes it so special.
The root of that place is universal feeling – we relate because we all share these emotions. Art has the magic to stir these feelings inside of us.
Chances are if you have taken the time to write or learn a song there is a passion behind it that is driven by a strong emotion. Recognize and Remember that other people Share those Feelings. Once again, you are not alone. Cherish that
It's YOU who has the gift to go on stage and express them! Kinda Cool. Your ability to express music/art is a gift! You bring light and uplift people by singing your song. That's something to be proud of. (not scared of : -)
Well, there are a lot of skills and secrets you can develop in order to make the process easier. That's what my Performance Success Class is about! On Tuesday, March 20, I am offering a FREE Conference Call to talk about some strategies you can develop to help improve your performance on stage.
Stay Tuned! Sign-up details in next week's blog post!
May your day be Fearless and Fabulous
Love and Light
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