TUNE UP Your Aura!
This word refers to the energy field that surrounds your body. We all have one! Their color & size varies depending on the person as well the individuals state of mind, mood, health, etc...
Mostly they can't be seen by the human eye (some people can see them) and some believe it can be captured by camera photography (similar to the image to the right)
The size and radiance of our aura often translates into the strength of our presence.
Our Aura is also our protective shield, psychically –from negative influences and harm, as well as physically- the stronger our aura, the stronger our health.
What's interesting here is that the Aura also relates very powerfully to both our stage presence and our creativity....!
Let's start with stage presence.
The stronger your aura the bigger your presence - you will appear larger and more radiant. Have you ever seen someone wearing all white and they seem to stand a bit above the crowd? White increases your aura! Same goes for a head covering or a hat.
Have you ever seen a spiritual teacher who walks very softly, yet their presence seems to dominate and make an impact wherever they go? Generally that is because of the strength/size of their aura. This is one of those things in life that we 'sense' but can't explain – unconsciously we sense the energy field around other people. It's intuition,
similar to how some people automatically give you a 'good vibe' or 'bad vibe.' And you seemingly have no idea why – you just feel a strong emotion!
Yoga and meditation practices offer many tools for building this energy. Keeping grounded, healthy, and taking good care of yourself are also simple things that you can do to protect and grow your radiance!
Connecting with our Aura can be really powerful in helping us to create a 'safe space' on stage.
Before you go on stage, (or once you settle in) take a moment to see the energy field around you. There is no wrong way to do this.... Simply visualize a white light (or any color you may see) around you. See it glowing and you can even see it creating a bubble around you.
Feel your radiance and allow it to create a safe space around you. This can be really centering and really helpful to ease stage anxiety,
You can even think of it like Glinda's bubble (from the Wizard of Oz)
Beautiful, Protective, She could see out, People could see in, and it sure as Heck gave Her a presence. (notice the all white thing and the head covering thing too..... wink)
"In this Room, You Can Never Make a Mistake"
Creating a Safe Space around us is also an amazing tool for allowing our creativity to flow. So many times we get in the way of our expression by limiting our true voice. Placing yourself in 'Glinda's' Bubble or Imagining the energy of the aura around you while creating can give you tremendous freedom to create fearlessly.
One of my favorite quotes, is a line/chapter from the songwriting book, "Tunesmith." When Jimmy Webb got his first publishing deal, the famous Michael Bennet (A Chorus Line, DreamGirls) spoke these words to him, "In this Room You Can Never Make a Mistake."
This quote speaks to the idea of having a dedicated creative space- even if it's just a small simple spot in the corner of a room. When you go there, make that your bubble.
In this area, allow yourself to feel that there can be no wrong chord, lyric, color choice, material, thought or anything! Connect with your creativity from this safe space. Allow Everything that flows from you to exist perfectly, trust that it is as it is supposed to be.... You will be amazed how this can work for you.
You can call up your editor Later!!
It can be magical and rewarding to have a space where you can go anywhere you want to go. Remember that your unique expression heals and uplifts others. Allow your spirit a safe space to fly!
Love, Light and May your Aura Shine Bright!
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