Happy Thanksgiving!

Wishing You a Happy Healthy & Super Fabulous Thanksgiving :)

6 Thanksgiving Fun Facts!

1. In 1621 the Pilgrims shared the first Thanksgiving feast with the Native Americans.
(yes, there is controversy about this fun fact... True or Not? Either way, it reminds us of the value of kinship between people)

2. In 1789 it was President George Washington who first issued a Proclamation that established the first Thursday in November as a 'Thanksgiving to God"

3. A Ms. Sarah Joseph Hale wrote a letter to every President for 30 years to promote the idea of establishing a National Day of Thanksgiving.  (you go, girl!)

4. In 1863, in response to Ms. Hales request, Abraham Lincoln gave a speech entitled The Thanksgiving Proclamation which annually declared a Thanksgiving Day.  ( I Love Him- cannot wait to see the movie!!)

5. For the next 75 years, all Presidents followed Lincolns precedent.

6. Thanksgiving became official in 1941 when Congress officially established the 4th Thursday in November as a national holiday.

My Favorite Thanksgiving customs?

Did you know......
** Every year the President "pardons" a turkey which spares his little turkey life and allows him/her to spend the rest of its days gobbling away freely on farmland.  (as a vegetarian, I like that custom ;)

**Taking the time to slow down and spend time with friends and family.

** Baking Apple Crumb Pie and Pumpkin Pie

AND most importantly?
It's a reminder to say Thanks!  for the many blessings (big and small) in my life.

On that note, I want to say THANKS to each and every one of you -
I am truly grateful for your support, reading this missives, as well as, sharing this journey and the music with me.  Thank You!

May you have a Beautiful Day of Giving Thanks


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