10 Cool Ways to Make Empowered Decisions
All day, everyday, we are all making choices….. Most of the time we don’t realize it!
What to make for breakfast?
Which Hair spray to use?
(The little stuff)
What time to get up?
Whether to stay in that eve or go out?
(The medium stuff)
Do I move to a new city?
Is it time to look for a new job?
(The BIG stuff)
Sometimes life becomes overwhelming. But there are ways to lift the brain fog so that we can make the choices that serve our highest intentions.
Truth is, I used to be the Worst Decision Maker… So, I have given this topic some thought..... And sometimes, I still waffle – but here are some helpful tools I've discovered along the way…
1. Know what the Big Picture is
Sometimes I think the word GOAL can be pretty scary. So perhaps an easier way to think about it, is to ask yourself, “OK, what’s my bigger picture...” If your spirit and mind have a sense of your end goal – then you are immediately armed with knowledge to make the most appropriate choice.
2. Empower Your Path
Ask Yourself. “Which choice is more in alignment with my Big Picture?”
Often this simple question makes the answer instantly clear.
3. Think Like a Songwriter
In songwriting craft, people often talk about the importance of every line pointing back to the hook or the bigger message of the song. Making the choices in your life works very similarly. Allow your choices to point Back to Your Big Picture.
4. Embrace NO!
After the terrible 2’s of our toddler years, somehow we begin to fear saying the word ‘NO’. If the decision you need to make involves telling someone NO, it can feel super scary because we don’t want to disappoint others. But remember, it’s crucial to listen to and respect your own boundaries and take care of yourself. Living from this place helps us serve those around us with more strength and grace.
5. Sometimes there is no “RIGHT” or “WRONG” Answer
Occasionally we just have to make a choice and trust in faith, that either path will be the way that we are meant get to where we are supposed to be. And sometimes the choice we make is the one that brings out our fear. Moving forward anyway is sometimes the most important step we can take towards our higher goals.
6. Gut Instinct
Yeah, it’s called that for a reason. Oftentimes our bodies will have a visceral response to different options. Take a moment to notice your physical reactions and sensations as you contemplate your choices. Listen to how your body feels? Excited? Positive? Nervous? Queasy? That’s often a powerful compass. Connect with the choice that brings you a deeper sense of JOY!
7. Get out the Markers – Be Creative – Think Outside the Box!
Know your mind and how you think best
Yes, for certain huge decisions in life we it helps to get out a big poster board, crayons and just start writing it all out.
This a great tool for some people
This a great tool for some people
Sometimes it can be helpful to make one of those Pro’s/Con’s lists. Or Journal. Or Draw. Explore the grey areas.
Not everything has to be black and white. Sometimes, the answer lies in the middle ground.
Not everything has to be black and white. Sometimes, the answer lies in the middle ground.
8. Live from YOUR Heart
All too often we hear the voices in our heads telling us what we ‘Should’ do. There are no shoulds except that you should listen to your heart first.
OR put another way, you shouldn’t listen to the shoulds! Allow yourself to make your own rules and release the fear what other people might think. (Note: that 'Cat In the Hat' quote is originally attributed to Bernard Baruch)
9. “Meditate on It”
When asked to make a big decision, I have a dear friend in Taos who answers by saying, “I need to meditate on it.” She makes me smile. It’s her yogi way of saying, “I need to think on it.” Some people are slow decision makers, because they need the time to process their options. Taking a step back and creating a quiet space to think, enables us to hear our own voice. And then our decision comes from a deeper place of respecting our true self.
10. When in Doubt Refer to Number 1
If seriously befuddled Refer to Number 2
Drop a line back and let me know what other things are helpful for you?
Simply, it’s embracing the power to live your life from a place of calling the shots, creating what you want as opposed to constantly living in reaction to the circumstances around you. Follow the road towards your happiness.
Simply, it’s embracing the power to live your life from a place of calling the shots, creating what you want as opposed to constantly living in reaction to the circumstances around you. Follow the road towards your happiness.
May your path be empowered and full of heart!!! (and Twix Eggs :)
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