3 FUN Ways to Piss People Off....
Ok, that article title is a little sarcastic … In reality? The idea is that sometimes we fear that if we shine to bright or live happily in our full potential? Yikes! That’s gonna piss people off!! The truth is when we get caught up in the fear of pissing people off, we stop honoring our own potential. How can we turn these negatives into positives? Call them OUT! And allow them to be your strengths instead of your roadblocks.
Be Fearless
Maybe you're an artist, a mom, a lawyer, a writer, a bookkeeper… No matter what you do, you are on a path, YOUR Path.
There are many things that often make us turn around and want to run in the other direction or doubt ourselves. And oftentimes, the hugest obstacle is fear - Fear is a very insidious 4 letter word, and it’s also very real. I think the key is recognizing it. When it creeps up, acknowledge it, honor it, and understand it.
From a yogic perspective… Fear is based in the lowest chakra. Kundalini Yoga strives to raise that energy from the tailbone through the length of spine out of the top of the head and into our energy field, the aura that surrounds the body. Coincidentally the aura is also our protective shield from negativity. If our energy is ‘stuck’ at the base of the spine, it prevents us from shining. Oftentimes, we have to take a moment and give ourselves the permission to shine. It’s ok to feel the fear and keep on going anyway!
Worrying about others might think of us is often a huge obstacle. I think this is especially true for artists who are carving a unique path. No matter what we do, there are always going to be naysayers…
When I taught my 6 week Voga series, we actually spent some time on this one.
Oftentimes we have these little voices inside of our heads. They represent the echoes of the people along the way who have criticized us, shamed us, or made us feel somehow inferior. Later, as we are traveling on our path towards success, suddenly this little voice appears again and it keeps us from moving forward. Maybe it’s the art teacher who told you have no eye for color, Maybe it’s your brother who said, “You know why they have people singing songs on the radio? So I don’t have to hear YOU sing them.” (Ok, that was one of mine- for real!!) It can even be something subtle – not getting a job, feeling disempowered when we speak up, being ignored… etc. These messages can be powerful and they can linger. Then we begin to hold back because we worry what others will think of us!! Essentially, we’ve empowered the voices of a few mean people by allowing their opinion to be our truth! Allow yourself to hit the mute button and turn the volume off on those voices that makes you feel small.
These people will eventually step out of your light which leaves more room for those who are on your side to step in and share in your success and happiness
“When you understand who and what you are, your radiance projects into the universal radiance and everything around you becomes creative and full of opportunity” --Yogi Bhajan
Understanding and valuing who YOU are can take some deep thinking, but it’s worth it. Sometimes we get caught up in trusting other people’s opinions or society’s vision of ourselves more than we trust our own. Believe that you can create who you want to be. And quite honestly, if your path isn’t the ‘norm’ or you have a unique style, it can be harder to stick to your vision. As you grow stronger and more successful, the more people will try to tell you who you are and what you ought to be doing. It’s your job to acknowledge your voice and live in your potential
And when we have clarity to see where we are headed? Synchronicity begins to appear – the Energy around us syncs up to move us towards our dreams and goals.
Embrace your strengths and share your gifts. You have the ability to inspire yourself and those around you!
No matter what we do in life, some people are going to cheer us on!! And some people are going to TRY to slow us down, you can’t change that. But you CAN be aware of those moments when YOUR thoughts and beliefs are getting in the way. That’s embracing your power and admittedly, sometimes that pisses people off!!!
“The only way not to piss people off? Is to do nothing, say nothing & be nothing….”
I know that you are SO MUCH more than that!! So, allow yourself to BE everything! And if people get annoyed along the way? Once they step aside, that leaves more room for you to shine and inspire others. :)
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