5 Little Friendship Tips :)


Friendship is more than finding the right person, it’s about being the right person – the one who shows up, doesn’t judge, offers support and
hangs out with you through life’s cliffhangers.

They say friends come and go – and that’s true – sometimes people join us for only a season and then circumstances force us to move on.  Same is sometimes true with love.   They say that everyone in our life appears to teach us a lesson -  I think that learning to be a good friend is a valuable life lesson in itself.
So, I’ve called upon my favorite friends from the 100-acre wood to illustrate my points…..  enjoy!

Be a Good Listener
            Oftentimes, people don’t need the answers to their problems, we just need a safe place to process our emotions – a prosaic shoulder to cry on.
So, remember, it’s OK if you don’t have the answers, the important part is that you showed up to listen and offer a hug.

Let people know you special they are to you

            Sometimes we forget to tell people how grateful we are to have them in our lives!! Because we think they  already know.
Don’t Forget…  it’s a beautiful thing to remind them!

 Encourage their dreams
            At the core of any success is the team that we build around us for support and encouragement.   It’s imperative to be a cheerleader for those you love.  Be the one who reminds them, YOU CAN DO THIS!

Knowing How to Say I’m Sorry
            No One’s perfect, we all make mistakes. I have found that the test of a real friendship is our willingness to work through the disagreement or miscommunication, & allowing ourselves to start again.

Accept imperfections
            Love people for who they are, not for who you want them to be.  Nuff Said :)

Be there when times are hard
            This goes without saying…..  It’s the people who are there during the rough moments who are the true blue buddies.  And during those cloudy days, it’s important to make an extra effort – simple email, text message, phone call, dinner date, small gift…..
Let your friend know that they are not alone in whatever it is, they are going through.

Wishing you blossoms of blessed friendships


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