4 Easy Ways To Inspire Your Inner Muse
Note that in this post – I refer to writing because that’s where my creativity has been hanging out lately - but any medium can be infused into that example.
See I’m getting creative already!!
The ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns,relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas,forms, methods, interpretations,
etc.; originality, progressiveness, or imagination:
I love that, by mere definition – creativity strives to transcend and in many ways to break the rules of the social norm. And I think that’s the dilemma that occasionally trips up our muse.
Our brains are constantly pummeled with information on HOW TO do things
Instinctively, we look for a right and a wrong way. And the truth is that creativity doesn’t fit into either category. Oftentimes, when we are stuck - it’s because our brains are looking for the Right Way to Write (or…. insert your project here….)
We get stuck because we are afraid to be wrong. Then our muse gets confused…
Allow yourself to go there. Get Crazy. You can call the imagination police later ;)
In the words of one of my favorite songwriting teachers….
(Pat Pattision)
See, I just broke the rules and used a 4 letter word in my newsletter :)
The point is… It Doesn’t have to be perfect! All you need to do is do it!
Oftentimes, we freeze from the fear that some critic is going to call us out on going outside the box or do creating something ‘awful’
Many people refer to this phenomenon as The Inner Critic. If he’s been troubling you lately? Read more about how to abolish him in my Blog post, The Inner Critic Unveiled
I like to tell my critic to leave the room when I’m writing and invite him back in when I get to the editing phase of my project.
Not everything you do is going to be the next Mona Lisa or hit song. Sorry. The point is that every creative step you take nurtures the seeds for your creative growth. And what makes the best fertilizer? …..... So don’t be afraid to write Sh**!
OK, so we’ve covered 2 pretty big mindset stepping stones… But what next?
Let’s say you’ve freed your mind and there’s still nothing?
We touched on this idea above. But let me expand. Creativity can sometimes thrive if given simple rules and free reign with no expectations.
My favorite thing is journaling. Set a timer for 10 minutes and GO! Just write, it doesn’t have to make sense, your only instructions are to keep your pen to the paper. This will oftentimes clear the mental clutter that’s getting in the way. It doesn’t matter what you say – just write.
Writing exercises are another great tool to break through a block. Creativity can often expands when given simple rules and free reign with no expectations. I recommend Pat Pattison (Writing Better Lyrics, Songwriting Without Boundaries) Jason Blume (6 Steps to Songwriting Success) and The Frustrated Songwriters Handbook (Karl Coryat & Nicholas Dobson). All of these books are chock full of lovely little sparks to ignite your muse.
All’s Well that Ends Well
This is another way of saying…. Be inspired by someone elses’s creative energy.
Go to a museum, go hear some live music, read a book, watch a movie, rest your brain with mind-numbing TV. (I have oftentimes culled amazing ideas and phrases from books & TV) Or just get out and spend some QT with friends. Sometimes the muse just needs some fun & outside stimulation to get going again. Another way to wake her up is to get yourself moving. Exercise helps us to both shut off the mind and get endorphins going. You can get as extravagant as a full on work out or as minimalist as a walk around the block.
My officemates on music row love me because when I needed a brain break mid-song last week, I cleaned out the fridge. The pleasure was all mine & so was the rhyme problem I solved while allowing my brain to focus on something else for a few minutes :)
I hope these tips bring you overflowing hours of illuminating creative genius.
Let me know what you come up with!
Love and Hugs
See I’m getting creative already!!
The ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns,relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas,forms, methods, interpretations,
etc.; originality, progressiveness, or imagination:
I love that, by mere definition – creativity strives to transcend and in many ways to break the rules of the social norm. And I think that’s the dilemma that occasionally trips up our muse.
Our brains are constantly pummeled with information on HOW TO do things
Instinctively, we look for a right and a wrong way. And the truth is that creativity doesn’t fit into either category. Oftentimes, when we are stuck - it’s because our brains are looking for the Right Way to Write (or…. insert your project here….)
We get stuck because we are afraid to be wrong. Then our muse gets confused…
Allow yourself to go there. Get Crazy. You can call the imagination police later ;)
In the words of one of my favorite songwriting teachers….
(Pat Pattision)
See, I just broke the rules and used a 4 letter word in my newsletter :)
The point is… It Doesn’t have to be perfect! All you need to do is do it!
Oftentimes, we freeze from the fear that some critic is going to call us out on going outside the box or do creating something ‘awful’
Many people refer to this phenomenon as The Inner Critic. If he’s been troubling you lately? Read more about how to abolish him in my Blog post, The Inner Critic Unveiled
I like to tell my critic to leave the room when I’m writing and invite him back in when I get to the editing phase of my project.
Not everything you do is going to be the next Mona Lisa or hit song. Sorry. The point is that every creative step you take nurtures the seeds for your creative growth. And what makes the best fertilizer? …..... So don’t be afraid to write Sh**!
OK, so we’ve covered 2 pretty big mindset stepping stones… But what next?
Let’s say you’ve freed your mind and there’s still nothing?
We touched on this idea above. But let me expand. Creativity can sometimes thrive if given simple rules and free reign with no expectations.
My favorite thing is journaling. Set a timer for 10 minutes and GO! Just write, it doesn’t have to make sense, your only instructions are to keep your pen to the paper. This will oftentimes clear the mental clutter that’s getting in the way. It doesn’t matter what you say – just write.
Writing exercises are another great tool to break through a block. Creativity can often expands when given simple rules and free reign with no expectations. I recommend Pat Pattison (Writing Better Lyrics, Songwriting Without Boundaries) Jason Blume (6 Steps to Songwriting Success) and The Frustrated Songwriters Handbook (Karl Coryat & Nicholas Dobson). All of these books are chock full of lovely little sparks to ignite your muse.
All’s Well that Ends Well
This is another way of saying…. Be inspired by someone elses’s creative energy.
Go to a museum, go hear some live music, read a book, watch a movie, rest your brain with mind-numbing TV. (I have oftentimes culled amazing ideas and phrases from books & TV) Or just get out and spend some QT with friends. Sometimes the muse just needs some fun & outside stimulation to get going again. Another way to wake her up is to get yourself moving. Exercise helps us to both shut off the mind and get endorphins going. You can get as extravagant as a full on work out or as minimalist as a walk around the block.
My officemates on music row love me because when I needed a brain break mid-song last week, I cleaned out the fridge. The pleasure was all mine & so was the rhyme problem I solved while allowing my brain to focus on something else for a few minutes :)
I hope these tips bring you overflowing hours of illuminating creative genius.
Let me know what you come up with!
Love and Hugs
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