Are You Ready to Catch an Opportunity?

I’m gonna tell you a secret, one of my biggest struggles is staying focused. I can ’ t imagine what I would be like if I didn’t meditate – lol! I have a very sensitive nature and sometimes it ’ s hard for me to tune out the ‘static’ (ie: unimportant things)
We are all bombarded everyday with different choices, decisions, changes, & opportunities!! Things are always shifting. And in this age of smart phones and constant technology – it’s pretty easy to get distracted by all the new things coming towards us
So, the question is …
How can we stay focused on our path towards success & know which opportunities to catch?
We often hear the expression that Success is when opportunity meets preparation.
Very simply, in order to step up towards success, we must first be aware of what we want. If you don ’ t know what your goal is, there ’ s no way you can be prepared to catch the right opportunities!
What do You Want?
A promotion? A new instrument? More fans? Better health? Record a new CD?
It can be as big as a record deal or as small as having 20 people attend your next show. The important part is being crystal clear in your intention. And it is OK to reach for the stars!!!!!!
How are you preparing to make this happen?
Make a plan! Line up the steps you can take towards your goal. Remember that Every little action makes a difference. The old expression, “Rome wasn’t built in a day” is True! You don ’ t have to complete your goal today or this week – but imagine how things might look if you took one action towards your goal, Everyday, for the next 6 months?
Consider your daily actions
Think carefully and try to make every commitment line up with your highest goal.
Look at the things that are not in alignment with your highest purpose. The longer we hold onto things that no longer serve us? The more they weigh us down.
BE Ready to Act FAST!
In order to receive opportunity, we must have a strong foundation in place so that we can catch it when it comes! And quickly!!! Life moves rapidly and often there is little time to hesitate.

An Attitude of Gratitude
Be Grateful for the little things. Congratulate yourself on every victory – NO matter how small. Have faith. These are the things that will give you the courage to keep at it! And Sometimes? The most powerful opportunities disguise themselves as ‘problems’ or 'Challenges' :)

Last week, I had the blessing to catch a Golden Curve Ball.
Unfortunately, this new project is a secret and I will be officially announcing it next month – need to get some more ducks in a row before I can disclose details … .
This opportunity caught me off guard! But as a friend pointed out to me – I have been laying the groundwork, I was clear about my goals and what I wanted. So, maybe it wasn’t a curve ball? It was preparation meeting opportunity?
Often the best opportunities are unexpected - we have to learn to move with the wind. Sometimes, what comes to us is not immediately what we want, but if it is something that is in alignment with our purpose?
We Must Be Prepared to Catch it!!
As I look back, I see that the upcoming success of this venture is about 2 things
Setting an Intention and Then acting fast on an opportunity. I can ’ t wait to share it with you … . SOON!

Love, Light, Opportunity & Success to YOU!


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