Q & A

What's the Deal with 11-11-11?
Well, there are a lot of schools of thought here. They all point to a very powerful shift of energy in the universe. I am not familiar with the specifics of the astrologic significance. However, from a yoga perspective?
I got you covered! Essentially …
We are in transition from the Piscean Age into the Aquarian Age. 11-11-11 is the gateway to this transition.
But wait! The hippies were singing about the age of Aquarius in the 60's?!?! Yes, I know that's because that's when the shift towards this transition began.
Huh? That was like 50 years ago?
I know! That's because the Piscean Age lasted thousands of years (each age lasts approx 2150 years) If we look at that huge length of time ----- it makes sense that people began to feel the shift of energy and celebrate the transition around 50 years beforehand.

Piscean Age, what does that mean?
We can understand the Piscean Age as a time when information was kept hidden. Initiation was often required in order to gain access to knowledge. In addition, during this time Man began to look for his potential outside of himself thereby losing the connection to his highest self, universal consciousness and his peers.

Wow, that's a bummer...so what's the Aquarian Age?
The Aquarian Age is also referred to As the Age of Information. People nowadays essentially have the ability to access to anything they want to learn. (Can you say Google?) There are no secrets (been on Facebook lately?)

This is also the beginning of understanding that real truth and action come from our heart - our focus is shifting from the ME to the WE. (Have you checked out the Occupy movement?)

How do you (Meredith) know all this weird stuff?
They made me learn it in my yoga teacher training... And more importantly a lot of this philosophy makes up the foundation of Kundalini Yoga. :)

One last thought about The Age Of Communication
There is a snowball effect of technological advancement as we approach the Aquarian Age. (technically 2012) For example, It took us decades to get from a rotary phone to a car phone (remember those??) However it took much less time to get from a cell phone to a 'smart' phone to a touch pad! Nowadays we can hold everything on the web as well as instant communication in the palm of our hands ... Exciting!
However, because of this interconnectedness, it has become extremely important to keep things rolling towards positive expansion! I want to close by sharing The 5 Sutras of The Aquarian Age (sutra means thread in Sanskrit, and translates as brief statement.)
Yogi Bhajan

These were given to us by Yogi Bhajan. He was a brilliant yogi who brought Kundalini yoga teachings to the West from India. More about him here MeredithBlis.com (click Yoga, then Click Yogi Bhajan)
  1. Recognize that the other person is You.
  2. There is a way through every block
  3. When the time is on you, start, and the pressure will be off
  4. Understand through compassion or you will misunderstand the times
  5. Vibrate the Cosmos and the Cosmos shall clear the path
Think about it!
It's about a spiritual transition. From separation & judgment towards togetherness.
Embrace your own potential and then you can begin to see that light in everyone.

Blessings to You, my happy Aquarians


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