Ok, first thing first. What is your larynx? Also called the Adams Apple, it's that little bump in your throat that moves up and down when you swallow.

If you are a singer, your larynx is an integral part of your instrument akin to the strings on a guitar. Also, your larynx is the home for your vocal cords. It is made of cartilage. Flexibility here is important to the resonance of your voice and the movement of your vocal cords. If you are curious how your voice works? More details here

For more in depth exercises to release the larynx find a good vocal coach. But here is a simple stretch that you can do anywhere to help release tension!

Neck Turns

+ You can start either standing or sitting (preferred).
+ Keep your back straight and bring awareness to the head- balancing it on top of the spine
+ Chest should be slightly lifted and shoulders relaxed down (you can facilitate this by rolling them back a tiny bit as opposed to crunching them down)
+ Inhale and slowly turn your head to the left
+ Exhale and slowly turn your head to the right
+ Make sure to keep you eyes closed (or you'll get dizzy!)
+ Be aware to coordinate the breath with the movement, keeping the motion relaxed and feeling free.
+ Continue for 1-3 min and then switch sides
(Inhaling Right and Exhaling Left)
+ Bring the head to center, inhale, exhale, feel yourself come back into balance & gently open your eyes

Also, from a yogic standpoint, the larynx corresponds to our 5th chakra which is the center of our expression and speaking our truth.... Hmmm, no wonder it's so important to our singing!


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