Rock Star Tip of the Week: SSSSSHHHHHHHHHH!!

One of the easiest way to trash your voice is by yelling or even innocently talking too loud.

It's a hard conundrum, so often, singers work in clubs where the music & crowds are loud and they have to speak up in order to be heard over the noise!

From simple to extreme- here are some tips to help you to protect your voice.

1. First Step is being Aware that overusing your speaking voice can be detrimental to your vocal chops as well as, how you use your speaking voice.

2. If at all possible Stay OUT of clubs, bars, even loud restaurants the night before your show (for some this is common sense) and for a few nights before a Big Performance.

3. Generally when you get to a venue, Music is already blaring. Don't try to talk over it! It is possible to greet people with warmth and politeness and still be quiet. If they blab at you and your responses are silent or short, they will get the hint. I tend to Smile a lot so that my silence is not misconstrued for rudeness. If a conversation needs to be had, step outside or away from the speakers.

4. There are a lot of singers who literally don't speak the day of a show. This may seem extreme & This might not be an ideal choice for you, but it's a surefire way to rest your voice. (just be sure to do a thorough vocal warm up before you sing that night!)

2 artists that come to mind - Celine Dion (no matter what you might think of her, she has had an amazingly successful vocal career) Multiple Tony Award Winner, Donna Murphy. (for you Trekies...... Donna Murphy also played Anij, Captain Jean-Luc Picard's love interest, in Star Trek: Insurrection)

5. Get enough sleep. That's a rest-assured easy way to stay SSSSHHHH


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