3 Tips For Staying Healthy This Year

Well, when I get sick (and the same may be true for most of us) it’s probably one of the few things that actually really slows me down….
And conversely I think when I get sick it’s a 911 from the universe that I need to slow down a bit! I’m a strong believer in the mind/body connection of healing.  Looking at the factors that made us crash in the first place is often a powerful step to getting better.
Here are some things that I’ve realized on my little journey OUT of the Rabbit Hole

(if you missed that in last weeks post, Click Here)

1. Rest is About Sleeping or Doing Nothing
Ha!  This may seem obvious to some…. But unfortunately not to me.  I discovered that rest does not mean – stay home and work on your computer.  Healing the body means R & R -  that means stillness and also resting the mind.  It's important to remember, Sleep is your bodys most powerful time to heal!

2. Food is Medicine and Water is Magical
When I first checked in with my coach about the laryngitis – her first answer was, “You are dehydrated.”   I committed to drinking a gallon a water each day.  That made a huge difference in how I felt and also water helps to flush the toxins/virus, etc out of our bodies.  Also, I was very aware of the foods my body was craving- I did my best to listen and nourish myself with healthy whole foods.

3. Processing and Looking at the things that got me sick in the first place.
Yes, a cold is a virus which I may have picked up at a club or at the supermarket!  However, it is when our bodies are in a weakened state that it starts to run rampant. It's important to listen to your body before it crashes on you.  Everyone is different-  bring awareness to what your triggers are and recognize your signals to slow down.
Like I said above, I believe in the mind/body connection.  Being forced to slow down for me is often a sign that maybe I’m taking on too much and it’s time to ruminate and figure out what I need to let go off. Sometimes it's tangible like a commitment and sometimes it’s something I need to process more deeply or let go off on an emotional level.
Keep you posted as I figure it out!

I encourage you to slow down, listen and keep yourself well and warm as the season shifts and we also prepare for the High Gear of Thanksgiving and the winter Holiday whirlwind.

Sending you love and wellness and many Blessings,


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