Are You A Star?

Are You A Star?

“The Reason So Many of Us are obsessed with becoming Stars is because we are not yet starring in our own lives.
The cosmic spotlight isn’t pointed at you –

 It radiates from within you.” – marianne williamson

Last week I talked about cultivating your inner light (click here if you missed it) in your actions & lifestyle.  This week I came across that quote which made me realize that oftentimes our mindset is the obstacle to recognizing our ability to shine…..

Unfortunately we are somewhat conditioned to….
* Focus on the things on our to do list, that didn’t get to Done
* Believe that the things which make us different are Bad things
* Look only at we are going so we forget to honor where we’ve been
* Take for granted the unique things we have to offer

Think of these thoughts as candle snuffers (those old fashioned metal things that put out flames). Negative thought patterns dim our light.  And Yes! it takes bravery to step out of the shadows and begin to twinkle.  When we cultivate the light within us – we begin to shine!

Also, sometimes life is soooooo busy & we become overwhelmed so our minds get into action mode and then?  WE Forget!
We forget what makes us special, we forget the amazing things we’ve done & we forget the impact that our goodness has had on other people.  That’s the Kind of Stardom I’m Talkin’ About!!

Here are 4 EASY Steps to Shining Your Inner Star
3 fabulous things – unique things about you
3 unique talents – gifts you have to offer others
3 nice things people have said about you
3 accomplishments from yesterday

I can’t see you, but my guess is that you are shining brighter already!
(& feel free to write more than 3 responses ;)

For many of us it might be hard to think about and then grab a pen to write about what makes us wonderful.
 I encourage you to to give it a try
Marianne Williamson also said
“…..And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same”

So, Shine On with Your Fabulous Self
Love and Blessings


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