Creativity From The Left Side Of The Brain

 Yes! Creativity is Magic. It is a mystical process of going within and expressing what’s in our hearts.  I always find it important to acknowledge that everyone has their own outlet.  A lot of us here in Nashville are musicians…. But I think creativity abounds in so many different forms…..  The creative voice is not limited to those in ‘arts.’ 
I look at my friends who don’t fancy themselves musicians or artists -  moms, hair stylists, jewelry makers, researchers, gardeners, bakers  and the list goes on.  Their creativity astounds me!

Like I tell people in Voga and in private lessons, your creative voice is SO Much More than singing.  For those who do sing, that’s just our chosen form of expression.  And I think a lot of people also have more than one medium.

There is a creative voice inside ALL of us. Just sometimes we forget to listen or trust our unique voice.
And we expect to hear creative inspiration from people in the arts.  But in my mind all successful achievements require thinking outside the box.  Thinking beyond the box of the brains left side & combining it with the right?  Well that’s the magic of CREATIVITY!
There are so many who have made a difference through ingenuity in science history, math, technology, etc. I love quotes and I love being inspired by people.  Especially those who have persevered and created change in our world

So I’m gonna get a little crazy today (or maybe even creative??)
 And honor those creative geniuses whom we would not consider typical ‘artists’
Let’s see what THEY have to say about Creativity…...
Wishing you Joy and Courage on your Creative Journey!


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