Day #11: 30 days of Songwriting

I did it anyway!!  & Object Writing

Is it really Day #11?
I Guess time flies when you're having fun! ha, ha
Although for sure I am :)

so today was a very tired day.... had to rest my voice and my spirit needed a little downtime as well.  wanted to make sure to be on point for a show tonight at Taps & Tapas, which was awesome!!  And it was super to perform some new material.
anyway, I did not get any official writing time in before the gig.  while there I was thinking, you know, I practiced and played today,and submitted material (which included a questionaire) for a song workshop.   I just might not have the strength to actually sit and write.  if i miss a day and don't even post here?  well that will just be part of the process .... and the world will keep on turning

the show and seeing friends gave me a surge of energy.  and as I turned the key to my apt,  a thought struck me....  What if i take a few minutes to just do some writing exercises? As Opposed to focusing on re-writing or beginning a new song.    So that was it!  I did 2 rounds of object writing and it's amazing to feel how much easier, more fun and detailed this exercise is getting for me.  essentially you describe in an object in detail.  I did grilled cheese and then roses ( i wrote about some sad fading roses that I need to discard...)  Cool!  and so glad that I made it a point and wrote today :)
Tomorrow the plan is another 12 hour immersion!  Keep you posted  xo


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