Support! & The Magic of the words: You Can! 

"To hold up or add strength to, literally or figuratively"
"To give aid or courage to"

Often it's something we don't think about, but it can be a secret formula to keeping us on our path.
As I've been moving through my 30 days of songwriting adventure, I am marveling at the amazing support that people have been sending me along the way. THANK YOU.
I am so grateful for your tweets, comments on Facebook, etc. It's so exciting to know that people that people are following the blog!
It keeps me going.
It might seem small but there is a magical power in the little things that we can do to let our friends know we are supporting them. Drop a line, send a text, tell them, "Good Luck! I'm with you! I'm listening! You have the courage to do this! Keep Going!" You'd be surprised how these small things can make a huge difference.
Sometimes it can create an amazing shift for someone just by hearing, You Can

For example, last week I had a rough day. I got a Facebook message from a friend who said, Mer don t give up, You can do this!
My co-hort who is also writing for 30 days had a challenging day on Sunday, so I sent her a note saying, You can do this!
And I have one friend who is using these 30 days to commit to her weight loss goals & another who is cultivating a different creativity project. Why is there power in numbers? Because each member of the team is supporting each other!!

BUT..... Be Genuine & Keep it Real Folks!
Remember the importance of surrounding yourself with friends and associates who you can count on.
Make it a point to only do business with and confide in reliable people you can trust!
You will travel a lot faster if you don't weigh yourself down with people who don't genuinely SUPPORT your Goals.

The Beauty of Being Genuine...
AND... We sometimes need to go the extra mile for the people we care about.....
Yes, I know you've already seen your best friends band a few times and you don't even like Punk-Zydeco music..... WHY? You went because you genuinely love your buddy and ..... You are going again this Friday because you know that your SUPPORT makes a huge difference to him!!

I have one very sweet friend & If she says she'll be at your show. She is there! She is a musician and goes out all the time to SUPPORT OTHER ARTISTS. Definitely don't see enough of this, It's pretty amazing, I can only strive to be half as fab as she is. And she doesn't do it to BE nice, she just genuinely believes in supporting her peers.
When the room is empty, it can make a huge difference to have one smiling friendly face out there and when the room is packed it also makes a difference to have a real friend out there.
 I realize that I am speaking from a musical standpoint, but this concept of being there for people applies to all endeavors - Art Openings, Benefit Dinners, Dr. Appointments, Graduations, Award Ceremonies... You get the point.
Remember before you delete that Facebook invite.... Your presence & SUPPORT might make a genuine difference for someone else.

Supporting Yourself!
A building stands because of the give and take of the elements in its foundation. If one piece begins to give more or to take more then that destroys the delicate balance. We are able to stand tallest with balanced support.
It's important then sometimes to ask ourselves, are there places (sometimes its even people?) in my foundation that are weak? How can I get rid of them? What can I do to self-support these gaps? Or where can I find resources to fill them in?
Don't be afraid on your path to ask advice of reputable people and friends whom you trust. Or if you want to succeed at something or learn something? It can be helpful to take a class or find a mentor.
It's important to make this assessment. The more support, the stronger the building!
Then there's also the balancing act. We mustn't allow all of our energy to bleed towards everyone else, it's also important to Learn how to support ourselves. Listening to when you need rest and remembering to take a little time for YOU each day. These things will enable you to be more present for the people you love.


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