Introduction: 30 days of Songwriting

I had been feeling a little unfocused in my creative life.
Then one evening as I did my meditation practice, I heard an answer…. WRITE!
Suddenly an idea…  “Write 30 songs in 30 days”
WHAT?  That’s crazy, but at the same time, this plan made perfect sense.

I came out of my practice and connected with the world again only to think
HOW am I going to make that happen?  What if I say I’m going to then I can’t ? 

What if, instead of spending time in self-doubt mode, I used this energy to create a plan to try and accomplish this goal…….

To be honest, my spirit was still a little twisty with the reality of this dream.

Step #1 - After the initial idea was giving myself a framework for making it happen.
In classical composition we refer to it as limitations.  We set down rules and try to compose within that box.  The concept can also be applied to visual art and other creative endeavors.  It’s an exercise to explore what we can accomplish given set boundaries.
Limiting our palette can expand our creativity by forcing us to be inventive.  
How can you tell that story with a specific rhyme scheme or paint that sky with only 3 colors????

Step #2 -  Finding a little support team.  As artists we NEED this.  There’s too much chaos in the world to think that we can be an island.  There is a push and a pull  - we need time, space Alone to create but we also need cheerleaders to help inspire and encourage us when the going gets rough!
Who is on your Team? Do you have the ability to be your Own cheerleader?

Step 3 - Accountability…..  I think this is a key to getting any job done.  If no one’s looking, & if no one else really cares  then it takes serious discipline to accomplish the goal. 
It’s a lot to expect ourselves to have that level of focus

How do these steps apply to my new adventure?
1.  Framework:  30 songs in 30 days from 10/17 -  11/17
2.  Support Team: I have some mentors and close friends who are cheering me on! Plus a  fellow writer who is joining me on this journey.  If you are interested? Drop a line back and let’s support each other!
3.  Accountability:   Each day I will be posting a short post on my blog about the days events.  

Keep You Posted As the Journey Unfolds.....



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